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004 | "We trust you, Ella. Just you."

Gathering downstairs for breakfast the next morning, as per their usual routine, was visibly much more quiet and awkward than it usually was

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Gathering downstairs for breakfast the next morning, as per their usual routine, was visibly much more quiet and awkward than it usually was. None of the three teenagers dared to bring up the situation of the night before and were hoping desperately that Imara wouldn't bring it up.

As the woman served a cooked breakfast to the three teenagers, she hid her emotions well as the television played in the background, 'There was drama last night at Northumbria Animal Park, as two wolves captured on the city streets were set free by intruders. The police say that these wolves are being kept as pets illegally, and are highly dangerous-"

The television was turned off by a swift movement by TJ. He looked up to his mother, who was practically shooting daggers at him with her icy glare. The boy gulped, "No one was really watching that, so..."

He trailed off and Imara began washing up the pots and pans with a small sigh. Ella and Jana looked at TJ wearily. His excuse was, evidently, not the best way to get out of that.

The boy scraped his toast with butter, slowly and loudly. All three females looked at him with raised eyebrows. He gulped and continued spreading deathly slowly before putting the knife down and looking at his mother, "I think I'm just going to go to school." He stated with an awkward smile, standing up and pushing the barstool back in place.

"And I'll expect you home straight after." Imara told the boy, her arms folded. TJ sighed as he swung his bag over his shoulder, "I'm not a kid, mom."

Imara's expression didn't change, she just stood, staring blankly at her son. Jana placed down her knife and fork, "We wouldn't have gotten the Covacis out last night if it wasn't for TJ, Ella too."

Imara's gaze drifted to her adopted daughter's and a faint smile appeared on her lips - a smile of pride for both of her children. Jana spoke up once more, "You can't blame them for wanting to help them. Besides, Ella was doing her job, wasn't she?"

The woman sighed softly, glancing between her two children before resting her gaze on TJ, "Six o'clock."

The two siblings gave Jana a grateful look, TJ giving the redhead a wink before heading towards the front door of the grand household, "And not a moment after!" Imara called, before the door slammed shut.

After finishing her filling breakfast, Ella said her goodbyes to Jana and Imara before heading off to school. She was only a few minutes behind her brother, so it wasn't much of a difference.

She entered the school building and immediately spotted her brother standing by his locker, and the two Covacis that they had rescued the night before.

Ella could easily assume why they were there, and went over to the three. Their heads snapped around as soon as they sensed the girl. Ella stood by her brother, waiting for the Covacis to begin talking.

𝑴𝑰𝑫𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵 • 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐢. 𝐜 (wolfblood)Where stories live. Discover now