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029 | "Is he high or something?"

"Jeffries?! Are you insane, Jana?"

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"Jeffries?! Are you insane, Jana?"

The redhead sighed loudly as they quickly walked down the winding streets to where they were going to meet Jana's old teacher, "Just trust me."

"I do trust you, but if some crazy, gray-haired, clotpoll of a man rocks up at this girl's front door, demanding that she buys his book, I really don't think she's going to take him up on that offer." Ella explained to her.

Jana's plan was just that. If they could get Niamh, Holly, to understand that they weren't a threat, maybe they could persuade her to let them help her. That way, they could all see Carrie, the video Holly had of TJ as a wolfblood would be deleted, and the secret would be protected.

"Look, do you have another plan?" Jana asked the brunette. Ella crossed her arms and muttered, "No..."

"Exactly," Jana replied, placing a hand on Ella's shoulder, "This is the only way."

The brunette sighed, "Fine! But I am not speaking to him, he looks insane." She commented as the 'author' came into view.

The ex-teacher bounced off the bench when he saw the two girls, "Jana!" He exclaimed with a grin. Ella raised an eyebrow and whispered to the redhead, "Is he high or something?"

Jana ignored the comment and explained the plan to Jeffries, to which he immediately agreed. He pulled his book, 'Bloodwolf,' out of his bag, "Luckily, I brought a spare! You never know when you're going to bump into a new buyer."

"Yeah, I guess you need to boost up those 17 online sales." Ella commented with a raised eyebrow.

"Plus three hardbacks." The ex-teacher muttered.

Jana tutted and pointed down the street to where Holly's house was, "You have a customer waiting, sir."

"Ah, right, yep." He rambled, giving the girls a salute before turning and walking marshan-style down the street.

Ella turned to the redhead with a raised eyebrow, "You really trust him?"

"He was my teacher for two years. And yes, he's a bit... strange, but he's kept the secret for over a year now."

The brunette sighed, "I guess... and strange is a complete understatement, by the way."

Jana rolled her eyes, "Come on, let's get to the skatepark."

The two girls took off again towards the skatepark where they had agreed to meet Holly if Jeffries could persuade her to come. TJ arrived just after. They paced outside the entrance for at least 20 minutes, and let out a sigh of relief when both Jeffries and Holly came into view.

Jana cleared her throat, "Here she is."

"Hello, Holly." TJ told the girl with gritted teeth.

Completely ignoring the boy, she turned to the girls standing in front of her, "You two are ones too, aren't you? He said you were." She told them, nodding at Jeffries.

𝑴𝑰𝑫𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵 • 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐢. 𝐜 (wolfblood)Where stories live. Discover now