𝐱𝐱𝐢. - eloquent

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021 | "What are you going to do? Bark at me?"

After Ella's shift at the Kafe and the three went home, the brunette had spent her evening playing the violin while waiting for her brother to return

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After Ella's shift at the Kafe and the three went home, the brunette had spent her evening playing the violin while waiting for her brother to return.

Finally, she sensed him approaching her door, and she stopped playing. She could hear his heart beating rapidly as he got closer to the door. When it clicked open, she span around in her seat, "How'd it go?" She asked the boy.

"It's sorted."

"How sorted?" Ella challenged.

"It's done, El." The boy replied, his tone low, his heart beating faster.

Ella pretended not to notice the clear signs of him lying, and nodded instead, "Good. Because Imara's solution would have been a lot worse."

TJ gulped at that sentence, and nodded once before slipping out of the doorway. Ella clenched her jaw, turned back around in her chair, and continued to play.

So, TJ hadn't told Selina's parents, clearly. She just hoped that he would soon, otherwise, he could rather be putting Selina in even more danger, even if he was trying to help her.


It was the next morning, and Ella was sitting on a bench near the school entrance with the Covaci siblings, the three of them waiting for TJ to finally drag himself out of bed and come to school.

The boy had gone to bed practically the minute he had returned from Selina's house - he clearly had a lot to think about.

Eventually, the three spotted the boy in the hoodie glumly making his way over to the group. Ella smiled as he walked over, "Finally! I thought you were never going to leave that man-cave."

TJ shook his head at the comment as Emilia spoke up, "How'd it go?"


"We all wolf out sometimes." Emilia continued with a reassuring smile. Matei leaned in, "Yeah, but we know we're doing it."

Ella laughed, "Well, wouldn't you wolf out if you had TJ panting after you?" She joked, giving him a cheeky smile. Matei laughed a little, "If that happens, we're definitely going back to Romania." He replied, looking to his sister who nodded in agreement.

The three laughed, while TJ gave them all a look, "Right, this isn't about me."

Before he could finish what he was going to say, Selina showed up and was heading in their direction. Once she was close enough, Emilia called her over, "Hey, Selina, can we do more training tonight?"

"Yeah, course," Selina smiled, before turning to look at TJ, "Can we talk?" She asked him, her eyes flickering to a quiet spot for a moment. TJ nodded, and the two walked a couple of meters away, but they could still pick up on their conversation.

𝑴𝑰𝑫𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵 • 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐢. 𝐜 (wolfblood)Where stories live. Discover now