My Heart Beats Faster When I'm Around You

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Hello! Thank you everyone for reading this story. It is a few years old, and one of my very first books I have ever written, which started in March 2011, and there are some small grammar errors. I will now be editing the story to fix these mistakes, along with some edits to the story. Some minor and some not so minor. Please enjoy the story. ^.^

Also shout out to @LilBeanNik for making this cover for my story, trailer and aesthetics. I recommend reading some of the stories she has written. They are pretty good :D


A stream of light came through the white curtain that hung against the window next to the bed I lay in. I stared at the light for a moment enjoying the silence and peacefulness. I slightly hugged the pillow under my head and snuggled a bit more into my bed. Could I have a few more moments of sleep before I had to wake up?

The screaming of my Aunt Susan answered my question. I let out a sigh as she screamed out my name to wake me up. I pushed myself up and stretched. "Allison hurry up!" Aunt Susan screamed as I stood up from my bed. "I'm up!" I shouted back as I made my bed. If I left it a mess, my aunt would have my head. Always having to have a neat clean house. A facade to the world on how perfect they all were, but deep down they were anything but.

"Hurry up, and get down here!" She screamed again, and I wanted nothing more than to scream at her to shut up. I knew I could never do that or else she would throw me out on the street. Perhaps that would be an upgrade at this point...

A knock came to my door and I could hear the tapping of my aunt's foot against the wooden floor. She was annoyed that I wasn't down within seconds. How could you expect someone to wake up, make their bed and get ready within a few minutes? "Allison, you are taking too long." My aunt told me.

"Sorry, I'll be out in a second." I told her as I quickly tossed off my pajamas and got dressed in casual muggle attire. I grabbed my enchanted messenger bag that held the things I needed for school and glanced over the neat room before rushing over the door while I grabbed the cage of my pet rat. I pushed, opened the door, and saw my Aunt Susan glaring down at me with a scowl on her face. She began to walk away towards the staircase. I followed after her.

I was so ready to be out of that place and to be back at Hogwarts. Away from this so-called family, and to the one I had found. I could not wait to return. "You take forever." Aunt Susan muttered as we walked down the staircase, "I want you out of this house already."

"Sorry." I muttered as we reached the bottom. The rest of the family stood by the staircase, waiting. My cousins looked annoyed at me as they were being forced to come with us to the station. My Uncle didn't look too pleased either. I just stared at the ground in silence as we all made our way out of the house and into their car.

I got into the back and stared out the window, watching the world go by. I wondered at times what life would be like if my parents were still alive. It would be better than the life I currently live. Probably filled with love and joy. I wish it was like that. I wish they hadn't been murdered. I looked up at the sky.

When I was three years old, my mother had appeared on my Aunt's doorstep with me in the middle of the night. My mother told my Aunt that my father had been murdered, and that she needed me to stay there for a few days until it was safe. However, a few days later, my mother was found dead in the back of an alleyway. That's all I ever really knew about them. My aunt had told me about it when I found out what I really was. A witch. They didn't try to hide it from me. When I got my first Hogwarts letter, they seemed happy even. I'll be out of their hair for seven years and be back only on summer breaks. They never cared for me, but yet they still kept me.

My Heart Beats Faster When I'm Around You ❖BK 1❖ Fred.W❖Where stories live. Discover now