Chapter 3

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As we made our way to the first class of the day, potions, I saw a few Hufflepuff students heading towards the dungeons. We must be having potions with them. I didn't have the best experience with some of them in the past, but hopefully those few will not be sharing the class with us.

"We're having Potions with Hufflepuffs great" Fred muttered.

"Oh come on Fred, Every might not have Potions with us" I told him.

Mike Every a weird short Hufflepuff boy with light brown hair and blue eyes. He'd stalked me all of last year and had a crush on me ever since I saved him from some upper class students who had been picking at him. It was fine and everything until he got super annoying at times. Everywhere I went he was there.

"You spoke too soon Allie" George said as we walked into Snape's classroom. Every was sitting with one of his friends.

"What the" I began, but Fred cut me off.

"Puck" Fred said.

I turned to Fred, and gave him a look. I guess if Snape were to have heard what I was really going to say, I'd be in trouble.

"Can I be your potion partner Fred?" I asked him.

"Sure Allie" Fred said.

"Thank you" I said and sat down at a desk as Fred sat down beside me.

"George can I be your partner?" Katie Bell a Gryffindor who has had a crush on George ever since first year asked.

"Sure, Kate" George said as he sat down at the desk that was in front of me and Fred.

"I got my eyes on you two" George said jokingly.

I threw a paper ball at him. It had hit his forehead.

"Ouch., you gave me a paper cut" George said touching his forehead.

"Good" I said laughing a little knowing that I hadn't actually hurt him. He was being dramatic.

"Pay attention class" Snape said as he entered the classroom with his robes floating around him.

Everyone went silent at his presence. I watched him stand in front of the class eyeing us all. I noticed some of the students looked nervous when he looked at them.

"Can anyone tell me about the Bulgeye Potion?" Snape asked.

A Hufflepuff girl raised her hand.

"Ms. Jenkins" Snape called.

"The potion makes the victims eyes swell and it's emerald green" the Hufflepuff girl said.

"Correct Ms. Jenkins ten points to Hufflepuff" Snape said.

"Can anyone tell me the ingredients?" Snape asked.

Everyone remain silent. This was my first time hearing about this potion. I didn't really know much of it.

"The ingredients are two newt eyes, one hair of a mountain troll, a few drops of unicorn urine, and a scale from a mermaid tail" Snape said waving his wand making one box land on each desk.

"Make the Bulgeye potion by the end of class and do not waste the ingredients" Snape said.

Fred lifted the cauldron onto the table, while I looked for the potion in our potion book.

"Have you found it yet?" Fred asked.

"Yep. It says we need to start the fire and add some water" I told him as I read the book.

Fred added some water and started the fire.

"Now what?" he asked.

"It says let the water boil and add one newt eye" I told him.

My Heart Beats Faster When I'm Around You ❖BK 1❖ Fred.W❖Where stories live. Discover now