Chapter 9

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A month had passed and I hadn't spoken to Johnson or Bell at all. Bell was nervous around me, but didn't know that I knew who was behind the murder of Fluffy. The twins and I have been planning to get back at Johnson and Bell for what they did to Fluffy.

I spoke to Lupin from time to time, we talked about many things. Small and big. About my parents life at school, my life at school, but never about who my father was. I wanted to know, and I even asked, but he always told me that he would inform me later.

During the past month, after some searching for my missing pajama bottoms, I had found them hidden under Johnson's bed with a sort of a shrine made with some things Fred had. Like a broken quill, a piece of old toast he bit off of, a piece of hair and more. It was creepy. I told Fred about it and he walked up to the room to see if it was true.

"That girl is a nutter" Fred had said while destroying the shrine.

George and I had not spoken about the kiss since it happened. People around the school has stayed away from me, because they think I'm Sirius Black's daughter. My father was dead, there was no way it could be Sirius Black... Just couldn't be...

Gryffindor had a quidditch match against Hufflepuff and they were about to win when dementor's showed up and ruined it. Making us lose. Harry would have died if Dumbledore wasn't there to save Harry. Harry was okay, but his nimbus 2000 wasn't. It was snapped in half by the Whomping Willow.

Tomorrow is a trip to Hogsmeade. I think I'm going to get a new pet. I can't afford an owl so it's either a toad, a cat or another rat.

In a week it will be Christmas which means everyone is going to go home the day after the Hogsmeade trip. I'll probably stay at the school like always during the holidays. My aunt and uncle always hated it when I came home.

I awoke and got ready for the day before walking down to the common room. Fred and George weren't there. I walked over to Ginny, who was talking to Neville.

"Hello Ginny and Neville" I greeted smiling.

"Hello Allie" Neville said.

"Hey Allie" Ginny said.

"Have you seen your brothers?" I asked her.

"Which ones?" She asked.

"Fred and George" I told her.

"Yeah. They went to the Great Hall an hour ago for breakfast" Ginny said.

"Alright. Well I'll see ya later" I said and walked out of the common room.

As I walked to the Great Hall, Professor Lupin stopped me.

"Allison, I need to talk to you" Professor Lupin said.

"Not now Professor" I said as I began to walk away.

"It's about who your father is" Professor Lupin told me and I instantly stopped walking. I turned around to him. He looked worried, "We need to talk in private"

I nodded my head and followed Professor Lupin to his office. We walked in and he shut the door. He then cast a spell that won't let others hear what we were saying.

"Who is my father?" I asked him as he turned to me.

"Sit down first. It may shock you" Professor Lupin said motioning me to sit in a near by chair. I sat down in the chair and looked at him as I nervously fiddled with my thumbs.

"Professor, could you tell me about my father first?" I asked him.

"Your father was a great man when we were students here. Always pranking with James or your mum. However they didn't date until we were in our seventh and finale year here. They dated for two years when your father asked her to marry him. After the wedding and honeymoon Your mum became pregnant with you. Your father and your mum was so happy. Lily, James, I and Peter were too and I'm starting to get off the subject" Professor Lupin said and I nodded my head. He had told me some of this before during our talks. Some he hadn't.

My Heart Beats Faster When I'm Around You ❖BK 1❖ Fred.W❖Where stories live. Discover now