Chapter 7

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"Miss Black." Professor Lupin spoke during class. I looked up from the book I had been reading.

"Yes, Professor Lupin?" I asked him as students stopped what they were doing to stare at me.

"Detention this Thursday night." Professor Lupin told me and I glared at him. What did I do to get a detention all of a sudden?

"For what?" I questioned him.

"For cheating on your essay." Professor Lupin told me.

"Cheating? I did not cheat on it!" I told him. It was true. I hadn't cheated on my essay. At least not this one!

"Do not argue Miss Black or should we have detention this weekend as well?" Professor Lupin questioned. I shut my mouth since this weekend was the first trip to Hogsmeade.

When class was dismissed I marched out of the room angrily with George following after me. George shouted for me to wait for them, but I ignored it. I was angry that the Professor would accuse me of cheating and to give me a detention of all things!

"That bloody idiot!" I cried out angrily when I was far away from the Dark Arts classroom, "I did not cheat on that essay!"

"Well..." George began. I looked at him sternly, "You're giving me the Mum look."

"Well?" I asked them. What did he do?

"Well, Fred and I might have done something to your essay last week. Now don't kill us!" George told me and I glared at him.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

"It was this hexed quill we made. We thought it would help us with our work." George explained, "The quill was suppose to write the correct answers for tests and essays. It must have gone wrong or something."

"I can not believe you two would do that without letting me know! You should have told me." I told him, and let out a sigh. Those two can be such a pain, but I can't hate them or be angry at them.

"I'm very sorry, Allie." George told me, "It was my idea to use your essay as a test subject, and I should have informed you about it. Next time I will. Sorry about the detention with Lupin."

"I can't stay mad at you or your brother wherever he may be." I told him.

"Probably glued to Angelina's side." George muttered.

"Most likely, let's get to class." I told him.

Thursday came too soon. After classes were over, I walked to the Dark Arts room while George went off to do his own thing. I knocked on the door and entered when Professor Lupin told me to come in.

I walked into the room and stood in the middle of it as Professor Lupin stood at the front of the class. He stared at me and I noticed a slight sad look in his eyes.

"You look so much like your mother when she was your age. Especially with that annoyed look on your face. Your mother wore it too often when she was around your father." Lupin told me and he chuckled a little, "He was always annoying her."

Even though I was angry at the Professor and didn't really want to speak to him, but many questions filled my mind about her, about my father, and so much more.

"What was she like?" I asked him, "My aunt doesn't like to talk about her, and when she does. It's not nice things."

"Let's go for a walk." Professor Lupin told me and I followed him outside, "Your mother was a very bright witch. Funny, courageous, kind hearted, and could be quite stubborn when she wanted too. Much like you."

My Heart Beats Faster When I'm Around You ❖BK 1❖ Fred.W❖Where stories live. Discover now