Chapter 11

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A week had passed and it was time to leave for Christmas. I dragged my luggage down to the common room. I was not looking forward to going back home... Fred and George walked over to me. I wish I could stay with them.

"Need help Allie?" Fred asked.

"Yeah" I told him and Fred picked up my trunk.

"Thanks Fred" I said.

"You're welcome Allie" Fred said.

"So you going to send us a present on Christmas right?" George asked as we walked down the grand stair case.

"You know I will" I told them.

"You better or I will get on a broom and fly to your Aunt and Uncles to get my present" Fred said seriously and I started to laugh.

"You better write to us everyday too" George said.

"I will" I told them.

"You better" Fred and George said.

When we got to the bottom of the staircase there were other trunks that belong to others who was going home. Fred put mine down and we walked to the Great Hall for breakfast.

After breakfast Dumbledore made a little speech telling everyone who was leaving to have a happy Christmas and telling us what time the train left which was in a hour.

Fred, George and I walked out to the black lake after Dumbledore was done with his speech.

"I'm going to miss you two" I said as I sat down on a big rock.

Fred sat on my right and George sat on my left.

"We'll miss you too Allie" Fred and George said together as they both put their arms over my shoulders.

We joked, talked and just sat there until it was time for me to go to the train in Hogsmeade.

"Bye guys" I said hugging them both.

"Bye Allie" they said hugging me back.

"Make sure to write" Fred said as we let go of each other.

"I will if you promise me you'll write to me" I said.

"We promise" they both said.

"Well I better get on the train" I said and Fred gave me one last hug.

"It's only going to be a week Fred" I said.

"I know, but it'll feel like forever with out you to cause trouble with" Fred said.

"You have George to help cause trouble" I told him.

"I know" Fred said.

"I will send a letter to both of you when I get to my Aunt's and Uncle's okay" I said.

"How? You don't have an owl?" Fred asked.

"I'll borrow one from a kind old witch that lives a few blocks from my Aunt and Uncle house okay" I said.

"Okay and be careful Allie" George and Fred said.

"I will" I said as the train blew it's last whistle and I let out a sigh.

"Well I'll see you two later" I said and got on the train.

I walked over to a window and started to wave goodbye at them until they was only dots. I sighed one more time and went to find a compartment. I found one with Neville and Luna Lovegood. They too didn't believe the rumors about me. But I guess they weren't rumors anymore, but the truth... I was Sirius Black's daughter...

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