Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning by having a giant water balloon full of blue goo dropped on me. I jumped out of my bed and looked around. I saw two flash of red heads running out of the room. I ran out of the room after I slipped and fell.

"Fred! George!" I shouted as I went down the slide.

When I got to the bottom I fell on top of someone. Why do I always fall on someone when I go down the bloody slide?

"Aw look Ronnykin's Allie has also fallen for you" Fred laughed.

"You're dead Fred" I said glaring at Fred.

I got off of Ron after I told him sorry and started to chase after Fred.

We ran around the common room until Fred tripped over George's foot and fell to the ground. Not being able to stop running I trip and fell on top of Fred.

"Look Fred, Allie has fallen for you" George said laughing.

I looked down at Fred. Our faces were inches away. I quickly got up and helped Fred up.

"What is this blue goo on me?" I asked them.

"Don't know" George said.

"We found it under Lee's bed" Fred said grinning.

"You're lying" I said glaring at them.

"It was something we bought at Zonko's the day before Christmas" Fred said.

"It better be" I said and started to walked towards the girl's staircase.

"Where are you going?" Fred and George asked.

"To take a shower and change" I told them and walked up the staircase.

I took a shower and got dress in my new sweater I had gotten from Mrs. Weasley the day after Christmas and a pair of jeans. I then walked down to the common room. Fred and George were talking on the couch.

"Should we tell Allie about the map Fred?" George asked.

"No. She might kill us" Fred said.

"What about the map?" I asked.

Fred and George jumped up off the couch and turned to me.

"Nothing happened to the map" Fred said.

"What happened to the map, Fred?" I asked him.

"Like I said nothing" Fred said.

"George, what happened to the map?" I asked George.

"Um we sort of gave it to um... Hey look it's Dobby wearing nothing, but a tea cozy!" George shouted pointing behind me.

I looked behind me to see nothing and turned back to where George and Fred was suppose to be at, but they had ran.

"Fred! George! Get back here!" I shouted.

I heard the common room door shut. I turned to the door and ran out of the room. I heard Fred and George laughing as they ran down the staircase and through a door.

"Dammit!" I hissed and walked back into the common room and headed up to the boy's dorm.

I walked through the door to the fifth year boy's dorm room. It was a mess. I couldn't even see the floor.

"What do they do in here?" I asked no one as I walked over to the twin's bed.

I got my wand out and pointed to George's bed and said a sticking charm on to it. I then pointed my wand at Fred's bed and used the sticking charm.

My Heart Beats Faster When I'm Around You ❖BK 1❖ Fred.W❖Where stories live. Discover now