Chapter 3: Sorry, Kid

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"Sooo...were you like born with magic?" Ned asked (y/n) as she summoned up a portal to hers and Stephen's shared bedroom, putting away the clothes she had folded. "Actually, yeah. My parents were both Sorcerers' but I didn't know about that out 'til I was about eleven...the same day they died." (Y/n) said then her eyes lowered as she thinks of her parents and Ned's excited look turn to shock and sympathetic.

"I'm so sorry." He said as she comes back through the portal again and it closes behind her. "It's fine. My parents were killed by these creatures and I ran for my life..." she explained then she holds up her medallion that she had around her neck.

"My mother gave this to me before she died and told me that this would lead me to where I needed to go. And it actually lead me here at the Sanctum." She said and Ned hangs onto her every words while MJ looks on her phone and Peter looks over his suit, which had green paint on it.

"The man that was protector of this Sanctum then lead me to my mentor, The Ancient One as we called her, and to this place called Kamar-Taj. She was the one who raised me and trained me." (Y/n) said. "Is that how you met Doctor Strange?" Ned asked her. "Well, Stephen didn't come in 'til years later. And...I was one of the first people to train him." She said and Ned smiles. "Cool." He whispers and she giggles.

"So...another question...if you don't mind..." Ned said and (y/n) shakes her head. "No, I don't mind." She said. "Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat?" He asked and she laughs at this. "I'm not that kind've magician." She said. "Oh okay." Ned said and (y/n) chuckles. "Anyway...I better let you three get to work." 

(Y/n) starts to head up the stairs when Ned asks a question. "If we don't get all of these guys...what will happen to our world?" He asked. (Y/n) stops, looks down as she decides on what to say before she turns back to him. "I'm not sure...and I don't want to find out. So...just do your best and find these guys as fast as possible." She said and Ned nods and he goes over to a table to pull out his laptop while (y/n) heads upstairs.

Afterwhile, the teens were able to find the remaining visitors, one a man made of electricity and another made of sand. Once they brought those two back, May called Peter and told him she had another one of these visitors. This one was a man named Norman Osborne.

Peter was able to get him to come to the Sanctum but before that May suggested to Peter that he should help these men instead of sending them back like Strange and (y/n) wanted. Peter told her that they can't fix them and the only way is to help them is send them back but on the way back to the Sanctum, May's words were echoing in Peter’s head.

Once they made it to the Sanctum, Norman and Peter make their way inside the large building. Peter walks Norman over to MJ and Ned, who are seated in front of Ned’s laptop. They turn. "Um, guys, this is uh...Mr. Osborn." Peter introduced then Norman turns to him.

"It’s Doctor." He corrects him. "Sorry. Um, Doctor Osborn, these are my friends. This is Ned and MJ." Peter said and Norman stops and stares at MJ. "Mary Jane?" He asked. "It’s Michelle Jones, actually." She replied and Norman reacts, understanding. Another universe. "Fascinating..." he mutters then his attention is then drawn to the imprisoned villains below.

"Do you think there are other Ned Leeds-es?" Ned asked, aside to MJ, while Norman looks around, then spots Doc Ock in his cell. "Octavius?" He said and Doc Ock turns to him and his face turns to amazed shock. "...Osborn?" He asked and Norman noticed his mechanical tentacles.

"What...what happened to you?" Norman asked him. "What happened to-- You're the walking corpse!" Doc Ock exclaimed. "What do you mean?" Norman asked, confused. "You died, Norman. Years ago." Doc Ock said and Peter looks up, having overheard. "You're insane." Norman said and Electro, the man that was made of electricity, chuckles. "God, I love it here."

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