Chapter 7: The Scarlet Witch

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"Scarlet Witch." (Y/n) whispered, shocked but a bit fearful, once Stephen told her, Wong, America and Vincent about his visit with Wanda. "Wanda's gone. She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." Stephen said and (y/n) and Wong look around at the other Sorcerers in the room.

"Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesized to either rule, or annihilate the cosmos." Wong explained to them. "She took over a whole town using her mind. If she gets America's power...she could enslave the entire Multiverse." (y/n) said and America turns to Stephen.

"So the person you went to ask for help, and told exactly where I am, is the person that's trying to kill me?" America asked him. "Yeah." Stephen said, a bit embarrassed, and Vincent runs his hand over his face. "Great..." he mutters and Wong turns the others.

"Suspend teaching at once. And arm the students. Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress." Wong said and the people of Kamar-Taj began to get ready for war.

As the a group of Sorcerers grabbed their weapons and shields and get into place, a couple of portals open up and two more groups of Sorcerers come through and two of the leaders walk up to (y/n), Wong and Stephen.

"That's the Masters of the Hong Kong and London Sanctum." Rintrah, a minotaur with green fur, said to a few Sorcerers as well as America and Vincent. "Honored to face death again by your side." the Master of Hong Kong said to (y/n). "The honor is ours." (y/n) said. "Whatever the Sorcererss Supreme asks of us, it shall be done." the Master of London said and the two Masters bow to (y/n) then they walk off while Stephen looks at (y/n), with a mixture of confusion, awe and impressed.

"It's ancient custom." (Y/n) said, with a bit of a gloating smile, and he rolls his eyes a bit.

Vincent watches this and takes a few deep nervous breathes before him and America are taken into the temple. "You okay?" America asked him, worried. "Besides scared and nervous, I'm doing just peachy." Vincent replied and America frowns a bit. "You?" He asked her. "Take how you feel and multiply that by ten." America said and Vincent nods. "So just peachy as well." He remarks and she laughs. "You could say that." She said.

“Do you ever feel like…like everything around you has gone mad? Like things that get out of your control?" Vincent asked and America turns to him. "All the time." She replied, giving a small smile but it quickly disappears when she noticed him not smiling.

"I mean, I just saw my mother and father, alive and well, in this dimension. Seeing them, it’s like…it’s like seeing ghosts coming back to haunt me. I wasn’t strong enough to save either of them. Why am I here facing all this? What does this make me?” Vincent asked America. “You didn’t know what would happen. Things just…happen so fast before you even know what was happening.” America said and Vincent turns to her and then gives a sympathetic look to her.

“And some things come unexpected, most were unfortunate ones. We just survive somehow. No matter how hard we try to do what we do, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t matter." She continues and Vincent lips quirks up a smile. "Guess fate…or the multiverse in our case, has ways to screw us over, huh?” he asked and she scoffs out a laugh. “But what I’m trying to say is that it’s neither of our fault that things happen. We just have no control over what’s done.” she said and Vincent nods in agreement.

"Thanks, America." He said and she smiles at him. "No problem." She said and the two share a smile just as the guards take them into a room.

Everyone had taken position when a dark cloud started to overcast them, invisible screeches were heard as the cloud got closer. Wong, (y/n) and Stephen look up at it then a red glow appeared in the clouds and Wanda started to emerge. "Choose your words wisely. The fate of the Multiverse may depend on it." Wong tells Stephen. "Got it. No pressure, then." Stephen said, sarcastically. "Good luck." (Y/n) tells him as she takes his hand in hers and squeezed it. He nods, squeezes her hand back, lets go then flies up towards Wanda as the clouds clear off.

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