Chapter 9: The Illuminate

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 Hey. Hey!" America shouts as she pounds her fist against her glass cage. Vincent was in another glass cage, sitting on the floor, and he had this metal cuffs on his wrists. Stephen, who was in a third cage, starts to wake up and sits up.

America turns and sees Stephen getting up then waves her arms around. "This universe sucks!" She said. "Tell me about." Vincent said as he tries to take the cuffs off of his wrist while Stephen places his hand on his shoulder, realizing that the Cloak was gone. "Cloak?" he calls out as he turns around but didn't see him. He looks down at his wrist and noticed he has cuffs just like Vincent's

Then he turns towards the cage and saw a figure, wearing a white labcoat, with their back turned to him. He goes up to the glass and knocks on it with his knuckles. "Hey. Hey, Labcoat. Where the hell are we?" He asked but the figure didn't reply.  Look, I don't know who you are or what you think you're trying to do here, but...These situations don't usually work out well for a nameless scientist, so just..." he started to say when the figure turns around to reveal who it was it.

It was (y/n) but she looked a bit different to his (y/n). This (y/n) had a different hairstyle and a different hair color and she was wearing what looked like a blue jumpsuit under the white labcoat she had on. But other than that, she still had the same face and eye color as Stephen's (y/n).

"(y/n)?" He asked. "Hello, Stephen." she said, in an unwelcoming tone. "Ay, Dios." America said, waving, and Vincent looks at (y/n), shocked. "Miss Chavez." (Y/n) said then she looks over at Vincent. "Mr Strange." She said to him then she turns to Stephen.

"To answer your question, you're in a highly secure research facility. The three of you, along with your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and testing." she explained. "Testing?" Stephen said, confused. "Well, yes. You're visitors from another universe. Your magnetic signatures could be radioactive. You may be carying diseases we just don't have treatments for. Hence these amazing polycarbonate fishbowls." (y/n) said as she gestures to the glass cage.

"Right. So, Vincent and I have you to thank for these then." Stephen said as he gestures to the cuffs he is wearing. "Yes, I developed those using the Sands of Nisanti. One of Stephen's magical relics." she said. "Stephen. Is that some kinda cyborg me?" he asked, sarcastically.

"Our universe is 838. And we've designated yours 616." she said to him then she turns to Vincent. "And yours is 615." She said. "Oh. You guys sure must know a lot about the Multiverse. You got someone going around naming realities." Stephen said, questioning, and (y/n) gives a small smile to him. "Yes. Me. My senior phoned the Baxter Foundation, and I specialize in Multiversal research." she said.

"So, you're not a Sorcerer?" Stephen asked. "No." (Y/n) replied. "So, how'd you end up working here? Wherever here is." Stephen asked her. "Oh, I volunteered. At your funeral." (y/n) said as she walks over to a computer. "Thank you for going." Stephen said and (y/n) looks over at him for a moment, a bit of a smirk appears, before she goes back to the computer screen, which showed two x-rays of broken hands.

"Your injuries, they're...They're similar, but they're not identical. It's fascinating." (Y/n) remarked. "What were we, to each other in this universe?" Stephen asked (y/n) and she stops, looks down then starts to fiddle with a ring that was hanging off a chain. "We...were engaged." she said as she looks down at the ring and Stephen lowers his eyes then looks back at her.

"(Y/n)...You gotta let us out of here. Everyone's in real danger. Look, I know you don't know me..." Stephen said then (y/n) turns to him, sharply. "And I don't want to. Whatever I am to you, in your universe, does not matter." she said, firmly. "Why not?" he asked. "Because you're dangerous, Stephen." she replied.

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