Chapter 11: Sinister Strange

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"Oh, no. Oh, crap!" Stephen said as he, Vincent and (y/n) walk out of the alleyway and looked around. The universe they were in looked like it was destroyed a some of the buildings looked broken down and fallen apart. It was like they were in the apocalypse with the sky staying a stormy gray.

"It's like, this reality collapsed in on itself." Vincent said as he looks around. "Yeah. Two realities collided." (y/n) said in awe. "Come on. America doesn't have long." Stephen said as he turns to them then they walk down the road.

"So where are we going?" (Y/n) asked Stephen. "Well, if there's still a Sanctum in this universe, then there might be another, other, other me, and that's our best shoot at getting back to her." Stephen explained as they continue to walk down the road. "Man, anybody else getting a headache from all of this." Vincent quips and (y/n) smirks while Stephen shakes his head with a bit of a chuckle.

"Well, I can see why you guys were so worried about incursions." Stephen said as they walk up to the lone Sanctum, which looked like an abandoned haunted mansion. "Whatever happened...this universe's you didn't do a very good job of stopping it." (y/n) said as they walk up to the building and looked up at the window to see a figure looking down at them before it turns away. "I'll tell him you said that." Stephen said and he turns to Vincent. 

"Stay here and keep her safe, okay?" He said and Vincent nods and Stephen walks up to the Sanctum and opens the door, revealing a long staircase that leads up to what looked like the sky.

The creaking of the wood, the sound of water running and Stephen's footsteps was the only noise that echoed in the building as Stephen makes his way up the stairs.

"Hello?" He calls out as he walks in to what looked like the artifact room. "Stop where you are." a voice, that sounded like his but softer, said and he stops. Stephen turns his head and sees another staircase and sees the other him on the stairs, looking at him.

"How did you get here?" he asked him, curiously. "By accident." Stephen said. "Who are you...what are you?" the other him asked, his voice shaking a bit. "I'm just, one of us." Stephen said as the other him walks down a few steps.

"From the Multiverse?" He asked, surprised. "That's right." Stephen said and the other him looks down then eyes him with suspicion. "Prove it." he said and Stephen looks down then bites his lips.

"We had a sister. Donna. She, uh...She died, when we were kids." Stephen said. "How?" Other him asked. "We were...playing on a frozen lake, and...She fell through the ice. I couldn't save her." Stephen explained and the other him nods as he steps down on the last steps of the stairs. "Sounds about right." He said as he gets on the floor, stops and turns to Stephen. 

"But we don't talk about that, do we?" he asked him. "No, we don't." Stephen said as the other him walks a bit closer then he looks out to the large window next to him and sees a swirling cloud.

"I suppose your reality wasn't always like this?" Stephen asked. "I suspect it'd be somewhat like yours, until..." The other him said before he stops. "Until?" Stephen asked, curiously. "Until I lost." the other him answered, depressed. "To who?" Stephen asked and the other him, who was pacing, stops then turns to face him.

"What do you want?" he asked Stephen. "I just want to get home." Stephen said. "Yeah, believe me...I've been trying to leave this place for a long time." the other him said and Stephen was able to get a better look at him. The other him looked disheveled and wore a darker blue tunic but then he noticed that there was a familiar book attached to his side.

"The Darkhold. You guard the Darkhold in this universe?" Stephen asked, surprised. "Yeah. For good reason." the other him said. "That's a start. I could use it. It could help me to communicate with my universe." Stephen said as he holds his hand out. "Careful. The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll." the other him warns, softly.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Doctor Strange x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now