Chapter 12: I Can't Beat You

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Defender Strange's possessed corpse makes its way to Wundagore. He looks up to the tower then he heard a noise, sounding like moans and groans, he looks down at his hand as it starts to twitch. Then some black smoke spirits surround him and they start to cackle. "Stephen Strange, possessing a dead body is forbidden! Cease your dreamwalk, and face the eternal consequences." One of spirits said to him as dozens upon dozens of the Souls of the Damned surround him and began their attack.

To Stephen it felt like they were pulling him down into the abyss as he floated down to the ground. "Stephen!" (Y/n) said. "Don't let me go. Stephen?" She calls as she comes up to him and he raises his hand out. She grabs it, squeals as she reacts to how cold he was feeling, while Vincent comes up next to him.

"Hang on, Dad. Hang on, hang on." Vincent said while Stephen starts to convulse and (y/n) checks his pulse. (Y/n) goes to open his eye and then a couple of the Spirits come out of his eye and start to attack Vincent and (y/n).

She screams as one of the spirits attack her and the other attacks Vincent. Vincent uses magic shields to block and tries to use spells on them but it didn't affect them as bad and the second one knocks him back. Vincent sits up and sees two spirits attacking Stephen's body and a third one was attacking (y/n), who was doing her best to keep it at bay.

Vincent begins to panic as he sees two people that looked like his parents getting attacked. No, not again. Not again. He thought as he looks around then noticed a gold vase and a golden stick next to him, behind a case. "Brazier of Bom'Galiath." He mutters and he elbows the glass, breaking it, then grabs the Brazier. Then he turns to the spirits.

"Hey!" Vincent yells and the spirits turn to him. "Stay away from my parents, you ugly sons of bitches!" He said and holds up the vase with his right arm and aims it at the spirits then places the stick, in his left hand, in front of the opening of the case. A large stream of fire comes out and hits the spirit that was attacking (y/n), then he sets another burst of flames at the ones attacking Stephen. All of them disappear.

"You okay?" Vincent asked (y/n) as she gets up and he sets aside the Brazier. "Yeah, I'm fine. You did good." She said as she pats his shoulder. Vincent smiles then they go over to Stephen. "Stephen...we've got you." (y/n) said as she takes his hand in hers. "You're a Master of the Mystic Arts. They're spirits. Use them." She said and Stephen's eyes open at this then he starts to float again as he starts to take control.

"Use them. Use them." (Y/n) tells him and Vincent takes Stephen's other hand. "C'mon, Dad. You can do it!" He said, encouragingly, as Stephen floats upright.

In Wundagore, Defender Strange begins to take control of the souls and started to use them as his own cloak. Then he glares over at the tower and flies towards it.

Meanwhile, (y/n) starts to wake up and notices that she was still tied up to the Pilar. She looks around and sees America on the slab and Wanda was torturing her. She lowers her head and started to say some incantations and was able to get the restraints off of her while thw large guards looked out at the snowy mountains, as if they see or hear something.

(y/n) then summoned the Eldritch whip and wrapped the whip around one of the guards neck. It grabbed at it but, with all of her strength, (y/n) yanks on the whip hard and pulls it down. Then she summons up two swords, runs and jumps and lands on the guard as she stabs it in the chest.

Then (y/n) was knocked to the side by Wanda, who looked beyond angry and annoyed. "You are testing my patience!" She growled at the Sorceress. "There's still time for you, Wanda. Please, stop this." (Y/n) pleads. "I've come too far to turn back now!" Wanda growls and (y/n) narrows her eyes. "Very well." She said then the two magic wielders began to fight as the fired spell after spell at each other while, simultaneously, blocking them.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Doctor Strange x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now