Chapter 4: They're Coming Through And We Can't Stop Them

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Twelve hours had passed and the Sorcerers' had no way out of the Mirror Dimension. The webbing that held them captive did dissolve sometime after they were left but the couple had no idea how to get out. Without their sling rings, they were stuck.

Then a portal opened and the two head over to it as they hear a couple of voices cheering. They step out of the portal to see Ned and MJ standing there, holding the Box. Both the teens gasped and tensed up once they see the two adults, both of them very put out.

"Where is he?" Stephen asked, angrily, while (y/n) magics the Box out of MJ's hands. "No!" Ned shouts. "Wait, wait, wait--" MJ said, quickly. "Before you guys do anything Mister-- Dr. Strange, sir, uh...Peter’s plan is working!" Ned explains and (y/n) furrows her brow.

"What plan?" she asked him. "He’s curing them!" Ned said and Stephen and (y/n) walk forward to see the Lizard transforming back onto Dr. Curt Connors, Peter at his side. "Doctor Connors?" Peter asked him as Connors reverts back. "Welcome back, sir." He said as Connors looks around while Stephen and (y/n) watch on in surprise. "Well, I’ll be damned." Stephen mutters as (y/n) quirks up a smile. Then (y/n) turns to Ned.

"Did you just open a portal?" She asked him and Stephen turns to him as well. "Yes-- Yes, ma'am. I did." Ned replied and (y/n) grins a bit as Stephen hums, quietly impressed. The two walk off as Ned looks to MJ, shocked.

A moment later, the couple emerge from a portal near the crown of the Statue of Liberty, carrying the Box. Peter drops down in front of them and takes off his mask.
"Strange, (l/n), wait, we’re so close--" Peter explains but Stephen interrupts him. "Skip it! We’ve been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!" He shouts then he stops as both he and (y/n) noticed two other Spider-Mens' as they land on either side of Peter.

"I know. I know, I know, I,, ah...I’m sorry about that, sir. I mean..." Peter said while the much older blue eyed Peter Parker steps up, confused, and looks to the two sorcerers. "You two went to the Grand Canyon?" He asked them then the other Peter Parker, younger than Blue eyed Peter but older than their Peter, steps up too. "He coulda used your help, man." He said.

Stephen rolls his eyes and shakes his head while (y/n) steps up. "For your information, it wasn't by choice that...!" She started to yell at them but Peter stops her. "No, no, no, it’s okay! It’s okay! Uh, these...these are my new friends." He explains then gestures to the two Peters'. "This is Peter Parker. This is Peter Parker. Spider-Man. Spider-Man. They’re mes from...other universes. They’re here to help."

This information was all too much for Stephen and (y/n). "No, no..." Stephen mutters as (y/n) shakes her head and rubs her temples. Then Peter turns to the other Peters. "These are the wizards that I was telling you about." He said and (y/n) holds up a hand to them.

"Look, Stephen and I are really impressed that you’ve managed to give them all a second chance, kid. But this has
to end. Now." She said but then a voice calls out. "Can the Spider-Man come out to play?!"

The blue eyed Peter turns towards that oh so familiar voice, his eyes widening when he sees Green Goblin on his glider, silhouetted by the moon. He rockets down, lobbing volley after volley of pumpkin bombs. Doc Ock deftly springs into action, grabbing the bombs out of Stephen's and (y/n)'s path while the Peters quickly dodge several explosions.

In the chaos, Goblin swoops down and steals the Box from (y/n). Peter turns to see one of Doc Ock’s tentacles grabs onto the glider, holding Goblin in place, as Stephen uses an Eldritch Whip to take back the Box.

Furious, Goblin twists his glider and slices through Ock’s tentacle arm! Ock shudders in pain, as Goblin jets off.
Stephen manipulates The Box with magic but, suddenly, all three Peters sense it...something off about The Box...something inside. A Pumpkin Bomb!

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