Chapter 5: Are You Happy?

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Three figures started running along the weird path of twisty, winding roads that were floating in what could assume to be another dimension. The three figures, one man with a long ponytail and wearing red and black tunic, a teenage hispanic girl, wearing pants, a shirt and a jean jacket with a white star on the back, and a teenage boy, who looked similar to the man in looks except for his (h/c) hair and he was wearing a tunic similar to the man's except for that his was blue and black and a medallion with an odd symbol was hanging around his neck, run as fast as the could while a demon chases after them.

The man, Stephen Strange, turns to his opponent and casts a spell that freezes him temporarily. "Did it kill it?" The girl, America Chavez, asked in Spanish. "No! We'll kill it with this!" Stephen said and he points towards a podium where a glowing book floated atop of it. "The Book of Vishanti!" The boy, Vincent, exclaims then they hear the demon breaking out of the ice spell.

"We can't let it get your power. Get to the book." Stephen shouts to America and they run but see that the platform that the Book of Vishanti was on was separated from their path. "How do we get across?" America asked. "Jump!" Stephen shouts and the trio jump and land on the platform.

They start to run towards the book but the demon jumps in front of them. Vincent and Stephen wave their hands and use a shielding spell against the demon but the creature was persistent. "It's too strong. I can't hold it." Stephen said. "Same here." Vincent said, struggling, then Stephen turns to America and made a terrible conclusion. "Dad, what do we do?" Vincent asked as Stephen closes his eyes in shame.

He holds his hand out to America and started to take her powers away. She floats up and starts to scream while Vincent stopped his shielding spell. "Dad?!" Vincent said, shocked and confused, as America screams in pain. "I'm so sorry. This is the only way." Stephen said.

"What are you doing?!" America asked while Vincent said. "What the hell, dad?!"

"We can't let that thing take your power. You can't control it. But I can." Stephen said while America looks at him, betrayed. "But we're friends!" she said, sadly. "I know. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your life." Stephen explained until, suddenly, he gets impaled through the chest by the demon. "DAD!" Vincent shouts and he goes to attack the demon.

The demon and Vincent fight for a bit until it goes to penetrate the boy but he puts up a shield and it ends up with knocking him back. The demon then restrains America, who screams and opens up a star shaped portal. Stephen sees this and fires bolts to release the demon's grip on America, who falls through the portal. Stephen then falls into the portal as Vincent gets up.

"DAD! AMERICA!" Vincent shouts and he jumps through the portal, and a flash of white light blinds him and Stephen as they fly through the portal.

Stephen sits up, bolt up right, and starts to breath hard. He puts his hands over his face to clear sweat off it and runs his hands through his hair. He looks over to his side to, hopefully, see (y/n) laying next to him but saw that she wasn't there. Stephen was confused by this but looked at the clock on the bedside table. "Crap!" He mutters, angrily, as he jumps out of bed and towards the closet.

Minutes later, he walks up to the mirror, wearing black pants and a white dress shirt, and looks at himself as he places a tie around his neck. He looks it over then waved his hands and used magic to tie the tie perfectly. He smiles, approvingly, then goes over to a chair, grabs the suit jacket, puts it on and heads out.

Bout twenty minutes later, he starts walking up to the church when an old familiar face comes up to him. "Doctor Strange." A familiar male voice said. Stephen turns and sees Nick West, his former colleague and rival. "Doctor West." Stephen said, sighing with annoyance. "Haven't seen you in a while." Nick said as he walks up next to Stephen, who kept walking. "I was a little preoccupied being dust in the air for five years." Stephen quips.

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