Chapter 7

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Azazal started speaking the moment the engine of the car came to life. His constant speaking and gory details about his time with the virgin made Azrozan grip the wheel harder. He was restraining himself from punching his friend right in the throat.

Azrozan was not sad or even angry. He was confused, by his own actions back in the cottage. He didn't want to meet Seraphina again, let alone kiss her...again.

"To be very honest, I don't think she was a royal though. I mean she let a random man shag her." Azazal continued.

"Azazal, I don't care." Azrozan said.

"Oh come on tio, why are you so gloomy? We had fun, didn't we?" Azazal said.

"No Azazal, you had fun. I didn't. I was roaming that place pretending to be a waiter so that those Berrettas don't butcher me." Azrozan basically snapped.

"Calm down brother. I didn't force you." Azazal defended.

"Yeah, you emotionally blackmailed me." Azrozan gritted.

"I just wanted you to have fun that wouldn't result in you feeling worse about your situation." said Azazal.

"No, Azazal you wanted to fulfill your wild fantasy of fucking a Berretta girl. This rendezvous had nothing to do with me or my situation." Azrozan shouted.

"Stop the car."

"What? No, we are already late. If dad finds ou-"

"I don't care, stop the car or else I will jump."

Knowing that his best friend will actually jump, Azrozan stopped the car. The moment the car halted, Azazal stepped out of the car. Azrozan followed him.

"Don't do this right now Zal. Dad will skin me alive if he finds out that I left the area again." Azrozan pleaded.

"You know what Azrozan; this is your fucking problem. You can't stand up for yourself. So what if you left the area?! Grow a fucking pair and face him." Azazal snapped.

"Azazal –" Azrozan cut off.

"No Azrozan! You are a sissy. You let your father command your ass as if you have no opinion or mind of your own. Lamia ruined you that bitch ruined my best friend and he did nothing about it. You didn't even let me do anything." Azazal continued screaming.

"You would've killed her. I know for a fact that you would've done it without a fucking regret." Azrozan said.

"She deserved it. She wasn't forced into saying yes to your brother's proposal. She knew exactly what she was doing from the very start. I get that Uncle and Abdiel had no clue about your situation with her but you could've said something. But you chose to stay quiet Azrozan, like always." Azazal continued venting.

Azrozan was beyond shocked. He was used to Azazal's brutal candor but he had never experienced this harsh almost hurtful rant.

"What is wrong with you Zal? Where is this coming from?" Azrozan voiced his confusion.

"I am done with your sissy act Azrozan. Stand up for yourself. Tell Abdiel the truth about Lamia; I know for a fact he will set this entire situation right. Just tell him." Azazal voice reduced to an acceptable volume considering the hour of the night.

"I can't Azazal. Abdiel wants this marriage more than anything. He is twenty five. He will have the control over Seattle after this marriage. He needs this marriage." Azrozan tried.

"Lamia isn't the right person to rule with him. You know that. Just tell him the truth. Tell him what she did to you." Azazal continued his argument.

"Have you totally lost it? I can't tell him. He won't marry her if I told him. We will lose Seattle. Public of Seattle will rebel. We can't have more Heathens or worse Berrettas." Azrozan said.

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