Plastic knife

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Just a little warning this has no backstory, I will explain stuff but it has little to no back story. Hello! This is my first chapter on this I hope you like! Pls pls pls go look at my friend: @0dd_Ball169 they are so cool and they gave me a shoutout only fair I give one back, GO GIVE THEM LOVE AND SUPPORT PLS! Anyway no more beating around the bush, ON TO THE STORY!

(They/them pronouns for reader!)

⚠️WARINING⚠️ This story mentions knifes so if you are uncomfortable with that pls do not reader this story, thank you lovely! <3

You were on this tour bus with everyone, serj was reading a book, shavo was drawing, Daron and you were talking, John was driving. You have been partners with Daron for a while and you are great friends with serj and shavo, Daron just asked you one day: "hey y/n? Wanna go on tour with everyone?" Daron asked "uh, yeah!" You replied. So here you are sitting with Daron talking about what he will wear at the concert you suggested a tee and shorts in case he got hot. "Yeah, but what tee would I wear?" He asked "I don't know a plain black tee" you suggested "no that's boring..." he said " a tank top?" You suggested once again "yeah! That's a good idea!" He exclaimed.

"Hey!" Shavo yelled to get everyone's attention "yeah?" Daron asked in response "wanna get something to eat?" Shavo asked "Sure! I heard about this really good cafe!" You shouted in excitement. After finding the cafe and driving there. You and the guys walk into the cafe, you and Daron look around while serj orders for everyone "hello! Can I please have a black unsweetened tea, [ur fav drink], 2 black coffees, and a water?" He asked the (most likely underpaid) worked "yeah..." they said bored. "babe?" Daron asked you snapping you out of your focus on the "very interesting" conversation between the cashier and Serj."Huh? Oh, yeah?" You asked " that really you favorite drink?" He asked cockily "OH? So what I like that drink! Haha!" You asked play fighting with him. "Cmon kids!" Serj yelled handing shavo and John their drinks. "Coming mum." You said like an emo teenager sprinting out to the bus to beat Daron. "H-Hey! I wasn't ready!!!" He yelled running after you.

"Got here first! That means I get a sip of you drink >:]" you said mocking him, you and Daron had this thing were who ever got to the car first when ever you went somewhere and had to take a car they get a bit of what the other person got for themselves that includes clothes, whoever got to the car first gets to wear the other persons article of clothing of their choice. (Sorry if that made no sense)

"Awww come onnnn you went when I wasn't ready!" He whined like toddler "you should always be on your toes when with me!" You yelled while running in the bus to snuggle in the nest Daron you made out of everything you could find that was remotely comfortable (including some of his hoodies and a pillow he stole from John, his excuse being: "he's a robot anyway, he won't notice!") Daron fallowing quickly behind you "I'm going to get there first!" He yelled behind you "over my dead body!" You yelled. In a blink of an eye he was actually in the nest before you! "I-I what?- how?-" you asked to nobody "so about your dead body, SERJ DO YOU HAVE THAT KNIFE?!" He yelled to Serj "yes, why?" He asked in a calm tone but worried what chaos will unfold with Daron having a knife. "WELL Y/N MADE A BET OVER THEIR DEAD BODY AND THEY LOST SOOOOOOO" Daron yelled so Serj can hear "no need to yelled Daron I'm right behind you!" Serj said in his normal calm yet eerie voice "Æ!" You yelped, startled by him being behind Daron and you. "Here." Serj said handing the knife to Daron. "Thank you Serj, Y/NNNN!!!" He yelled looking for you. You ran away and hid in his bed type place he set up under the covers. "Y/n!!!" He shouted. It was quite for a while you assumed he gave up but you weren't taking any chances it was a bit longer until the blankets were stripped from you body and the bed-ish thing. "haha! Found you!" He said then gently stabbed you in the neck with the plastic knife "oh no! For I am dead! *death noise*" you said after he "stabbed you" in the neck "mwahaha I have killed y/n!" He yelled triumphantly (✨ooooo✨ Big word!) "good job Daron" Shavo said sarcastically "hey! I worked hard for this kill!" He said defensively "sure" Serj said like a mum whos just had enough already.

*time skip cuz this is getting long* you spent the rest the day cuddling with Daron and listening to music "hey dar?" You asked sleepily "yeah, love?" He asked "your really cute you know that right? Like, really cute. Illegal cute." You said burying your face in his chest. "Why thank you, but you are way to kind to me." He said in response "finally, you admitt it." You said teasing him "I love you~" he said "haha love you too dar" you whispered

The end 💗

(620 words)

hope you like the story, sorry if It didn't make any sense lol. NOW GO DRINK SOME WATER CUZ UR GORGEOUS!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

I drank chunky creamer with my coffee, help ;-;

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