Home sweet home <3 (it was 2:00 am when I made this, pls don't judge to harshly)

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Hello my fellow Daron simps, sorry I haven't had a lot of motivation to write, I know, I know, i have failed you. Sorry, but don't worry I have a bunch of ideas now :)

It was a "normal" day in the malakian, tankian, odadjian, dolmayan, [ur last name], household like on the tour bus, Serj was reading, Shavo was drawing, John was listening to music, malakian and you were causing chaos. "Hey Serj. Hey. Hey Serj. Serj. Hey. Hey. Serj. Hey Serj. Hey." Daron said obviously annoying Serj "yes. Daron?!" Serj said harshly "your a pretty good parent" Daron said running out of the room without Serj noticing "thank you Daron- wait how am I a parent?-" Serj said being cut off realizing he's alone in the room "god dammit Daron"

While Daron was torturing Serj you were off torturing John "how's my favorite robot doing?" "What do you want y/n?" He said annoyed "oh nothing" you said stealing only one stick of every drumstick pairs he had and putting another pair under his dresser, putting the one that you stole in your pockets (idk) "alright, well I just wanted to say hey." You said running out the door of his room "okay y/n by the w- *sigh* bye! I guess..."

You and Daron stole some of shavos bass picks and put them in different places (like you did with John just without the stealing part) "all this chaos is making me hungry, wanna make pancakes?" You asked him "yeah! Y/n you always come up with the best ideas!" He praised "last one there has to wash the dishes after!" You yell sprinting to the kitchen. "Oi! No fair you got a head start!!!" He yelled back at you running to the kitchen as well. You got there first (cuz ur the all mighty y/n of course you did) "haha! I got here first!" You yelled triumphantly "you got a head start!" He said out of breath "oh well I still won." You said

*time skip cuz I'm lazy* "Serj, Shavo, John! Breakfast!" You yelled to tell everyone breakfast is ready. "Yay!" Serj said jogging to the kitchen from the living room "what did you make? Whatever it is it smells good." Shavo said walking to the kitchen as well "okay. Has anyone seen my drumsticks?" John said in confusion wondering where his all of his drumsticks went. "Nope. Have you looked in your closet? Under the couch cushions?" You asked knowing fully aware of when his drumsticks went. You put everyone's plates and the syrup (or whatever you like on pancakes), the ✨fancy✨ silverware ("fancy" meaning not ur usual plastic "sliverware"), and the plate of pancakes. 

While you were doing this Daron was behind you waiting for...the...perfect...momeennttttt....NOW!!! He charged at you to give you a hug "Æ!" You yelped "haha!" He laughed lifting you up to rest your legs on his hips (idk how to explain it) and arms around his neck. "Let go of Y/n!" Shavo yelled. Daron just gave you a kiss on the cheek before letting you down. *time skip to after breakfast cuz AAAAA-* you and Daron were watching MTV. "Hmm. Oh! Look! Its you!" You said pointing at the tv: Sugar by System of a Down. The tv read, "Sugarrrr" Daron said in sync with past Daron. "WERE DID ALL MY PICKS GO?!?!! DARON!!! Y/N!!!!" "Oh shit-"

The end? I didn't proof read so sorry for incorrect spelling and/or grammar :(

576 words :) 

I love you! Have a good day/night! 💕

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