Sick day

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Warnings: unedited

(Sic) day....wait-(and bleed) but really. I feel fucking horrible rn :D! Dw I don't think it's covid or anything. Anyway, to the story!

You woke up just feeling horrible. You slowly got out of bed (almost falling in the process) and made your way to the kitchen. You filled the tea kettle with water, turned on the stove, then put the kettle on the burner. *ring~ring~ring* you heard your phone ring, you groaned and slowly made your way to your bed room. "Hey y/n I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Serj, Shavo, John, and I?" Daron asked over the phone. "Yeah sure!" "Y/n are you okay? You don't sound very good." Daron said in a worried tone "I'm ok Daron! Don't worry about m-m-m- *achoo!*" "yeah no, your sick, I'm coming over." He said. -click- "welp. An excuse to go lay down." You unlocked your front door and went to your bedroom, you threw yourself on the bed.

*time skip*

*knock knock knock* "come innn!!!" You yelled. You heard the door open, then softly close. You heard foot steps coming to your room till you saw a worried Daron in your doorway. "I brought you some soup." He smiled slightly "awww thank you but I feel fine." You said trying to sit on the side of your bed. "Ha! Sure you do." He said rolling his eyes, he put his hand to your forehead "Jesus!!! Yeah no, your not going anywhere." He said with a worried look "Aww come onnn!!" 

*annoying ahh screech of a kettle* "oh, my tea is done" you said trying to get up but you were stoped by Darons hand on your chest "no. Your not leaving this bed, I'm going to go get your tea and heat up your soup, you stay tho" he said getting up and walking to the kitchen. God, I love him so much, how dare he take care of me. Daron walked back into your room with an ice pack and your tea, "here, tell me if you want your tea cold or something like that.." he trailed off then put the ice pack on your forehead very carefully. "Thanks Dar." You said and smiled. "Of course." He said smiling to himself, walking back to the kitchen.

*time skip*

He walked back into your room, bowl of soup, spoon, and medicine in hand "alright, your going to be difficult about taking medicine I assume?" He asked, you nodded, "of course" he said. 

After he finally won the fight of making you take medicine, he gave you the bowl of soup and the spoon. He laid down next to you and grabbed the remote to the tv. "What's your favorite movie?" He asked "uhh...(ur fav movie)" you said with a smile, "hm, ok...OH! I know, we should watch a horror movie, it'll scare the sickness out of you!....wait no, that's a horrible idea...." Oh my god I love him so much. He turned on your favorite movie and the both of you relaxed. 

The day and night was filled with movies and laughs. It was about 10:00pm, "y/n, you really need to go to bed, I'll go ahead and leav-" "no! I mean- can you please stay with me?" You asked "of course!" He said, he relaxed back onto the bed and snuggled into your shoulder "I love you Daron." You said "I love you too y/n"


this is kinda cringe but whatever, hope you have a good day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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