Road trip!!!

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Hello! This is a high school au thingy, sorry that my chapters are more like crackfics but regardless I hope you enjoy them. Have an amazing day/night lovely! <3

(I'm in the car with my mum driving to Seattle rn ugggghhhhh we're goina be there for a monthhhh AAAAA-)

You all piled in to a car. ALL. OF. YOU. in one car for 5+ hours.....AAAAA-

you were squished in-between Serj and Daron. Lucky, they get window seats! You thought with your arms crossed pouting >:[ "you alright?" Serj asked "why do I have to be in the middle!" You said slightly angry "cuz your the smallest, your the middle child,-" "how am I the middle child?!" You asked cutting Daron off "Pft-" Serj laughed at your reaction "Serj is the oldest, I'm the youngest. We're in the backseat together and we're sitting oldest to youngest." Daron said calmly "Daron...WERE THE SAME AGE!" You shouted at him. "TECHNICALLY YOUR OLDER THAN ME!" He yelled at you "BY A DAYYY!" You- "WILL YALL SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" John kinda screamed at both of you. You guys just looked back at him like: O-o! "Thank you" Shavo said calmly content with the silence

You silently passed a edible to Daron, he silently took it, ate it, and smiled at you to say thank you. *after a while of silence* you turned to to Daron and whispered "hi I've been meaning to reach you about your cars extended warranty." "Pft-" Serj once again laughed at you "come on y/n, you don't want John yelling at you again right?" He asked like the mom figure that he is "fineeeee mummmmm" you said like an emo teen who listens to mcr like their life depends on it. "no, I don't care I just don't want y/n and Daron to cause chaos." John said like a mum that just wants out already "John, I'm sorry but you know that's never going to happen in the history of ever!" You said leaning on his seat, chin on his shoulder a bit. "Yeah John its true!" Daron said leaning on his other shoulder "fine just don't kill each other" John said calmly. Daron returned to his seat, but while he was doing so he swiftly kissed you on the neck. "Æ!" You yelped, also returning to your seat. "Like that. The chaos I was talking about." John said.

(420 words FUUUUCCCCKKKK YEEEEAAAHHHHH) The end (for now) sorry it's such a short chapter, probably will make a part 2 soon (sorry i didn't proof read it lol so sorry for bad spelling and other stuff) 

Go drink some water you amazing human! <3

A song I'm obsessed with rn :]


I'm a little too obsessed with this song lol (it came out the year I was born ;-;)

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