Happy birthday dar!

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WOOOO HES....47 now......wow....ehhh whatever! >:D

Again this is based when they were younger, all of you in this story are the legal age to smoke cannabis. Anyway on to the story!

You woke up before Daron, carefully getting out of the bed, not to Disturb the sleeping man next to you. You invited Serj, Shavo, and John to come over to your house. You set up the decorations the night before, "you stayed up almost all night setting up the decorations he better like them haha!" You thought.

 You hear a knock at the door, you ran over to the door. "Hello y/n!" Serj said excitedly "hi y/n!" Shavo said with as just as much enthusiasm "hello" John said like the robot he is. Serj and Shavo hugged you, John just gave you a strong hand shake "I never understand him" you thought. They sat down in the kitchen while Serj and you were making breakfast, specifically pancakes. "Do have a cake for him?" Shavo asked "no! Oh no! Should I make one right now!" You said panicking a bit "no! I was just wondering cuz your so prepared with everything all the time"Shavo said in response of your panicking.*time skip* the pancakes are ready, the decorations look perfect, now to wait for Daron. 

Daron pov:

 You woke up. (Wow great writing there, sorry) you looked over to your side not seeing your love. "Hm weird." You said to no one. You walked out of your room to go look for your partner. "Y/n? Nah I don't like this, this is some horror movie type shit!" You said out loud


Daron walked into the kitchen to see Serj sitting at the dining table, Shavo sitting next to Serj talking about something with Serj and you, John standing by the table like an npc that's stuck, and of course you, sitting on the counter in the kitchen talking with Serj and Shavo. Daron read the banner above the table. Happy bday dar! Is what the banner said. "Morning love!" You said jumping off the counter and ran up to him and hugged him. "Why hello there beautiful!" He said giving you a kiss on the head. "Gross" Shavo said, Serj elbowing him, to say: fuck off Shavo their in love! *after eating*  "thank you everyone!" Daron said "thank Serj and y/n, they made the pancakes, y/n put up the decorations last night." Shavo said "aww! Thank you so much baby!" He said giving you a hug and a kiss "it was no problem! Anything to make you happy!" You said happy that he likes what you did for him. "get a room you 2!" Shavo yelled, Serj elbowing him once again.

The end! Sorry this is a short story lol

Love you! Now go dink some water!!! 💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

466 words

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