School sux, not with u tho

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⚠️❗️CLICHÉ ALERT ALSO BULLYING AND SWEARING❗️⚠️ (Darons a really nice guy in this one)

"nEw sHcOoL nEw mE" yeah no, if by "new me" you mean a nervous wreck then yeah sure. And of course you had to change schools in the middle of the year (told u it was going to be super cliché) you knew no one at the new school, but there you are standing in front of your new school "where you'll make tons of new friends!" According to mum. "This is going to go great or absolutely horrid" you whispered to yourself. You pushed open the front door to the school and headed to random people trying to gather some confidence, "h-hello, um do you go to x class?" You asked some girl with hot pink lip gloss in her hand and in the other was her phone. "Um yeah? But no way in hell am I going to be caught walking with a ugly fat pig like you." Welp +1 bully "don't be a bitch Britney." A person said behind us "I wasn't, just look at them, come on." Britney said. "Whatever, hi I'm Serj, I go to that class do you want me to walk you there? I think my friends are already there...I need to give this thing to Daron anyway and- sorry, I'm rambling" he said a bit embarrassed. "O-oh okay. Bye Britney!" You said following Serj "fuck off pig!" Britney yelled "Sorry about her." Serj said walking a bit slower so you could catch up. "Oh, it's okay, no stress." You said giving him a smile "are you new here?" Serj asked breaking the silence. "Oh- Uh- yeah! How'd ya know?" You asked "ehhhh I have my ways ;)" he winked jokingly "haha! Whatever you say."

Serj and you arrived at the class and he was right because he went right to talk to a guy with mid length hair and two beards it look a bit strange to you but if you dare say it looked a bit charming. "Here! Umm, I never got your name." Serj mumbled the last part "y/n. My names y/n :)" you said with a smile "oh! Okay! Cool! This is Daron! And you sit between Daron and I!" Serj almost yelled out of excitement. Before you could say anything Serj snatched all of your belongings out of your hands and put them neatly on your table (don't worry he put ur keys on the table first), hung your bag on the back of your chair, and pulled out the chair for you to sit. "Why thank you Serj." You said with a horrible British accent "haha! Of course m'lady/m'lord" he said also with a terrible accent, sitting next to you. "Serj don't hog them, I want to get to know them tooooooooo!" Daron whined "oh, okayyyy I have to get stuff ready anyway." Serj said grabbing this out of his bag. "Hi, I'm Daron, Daron malakian." He said sticking his hand out for you to shake. "Hello Mr. Malakian, I'm Y/n Y/l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." You said all formal like "ehh no need to be formal, cool name though!" He said leaning back in his chair.

"Good morning class I'm Mr. Whatever The Fuck (I don't want to think of a name) and today we have a new student. Y/n come up here please! :)" he waved you up to the front of the class "um hello. I'm y/n y/l/n." You said with a shaky voice. You could feel Britney glaring at you. "Any questions for Mrs/mr y/l/n?" Mr. Whatever The Fuck asked the class. You saw one hand go up and felt like you were going to pass out "yes. Mr. Malakian?" Whatever The Fuck asked "what's your favorite band?" He asked "oh-um probably...[ur fav band]" you responded feeling like you could fall backwards unconscious any minute. "Ok. You may go back to your seat now." Mr. Whatever The Fuck said *time skip to lunch cuz I want to publish this this week* you left class following Serj and Daron to the lunch room. "Y/n, can I get your number?" Serj asked "yeah! Me too!" Daron asked "of course, here." You gave them a little piece of paper with your number on it."sorry if this is a bit to personal but, do you have a boyfriend y/n?" Daron asked you "no, why?" You asked him back "oh- Uh- idk." He said his face turning a bit pink. "Oooooooooooooooooo Daron has a crushhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Serj teased "who would have a crush on that slut" right, Britney is a thing. "Oh fuck of man!" Daron yelled at Britney "sorry about her." Daron spoke softly "yeah! She's just a bitch, your not a slut, she's just jealous your hanging out with cool dudes! :D" Serj said. "Haha! Yeah! >:D" you yelled with serj. 

*time skip brought 2 u by koffee with a k made by Korn*

Daron, Serj and you walked out of the school. "Do you need a ride?" You asked Serj and Daron. "Oh, umm yeah! Yes please." Serj said excited "yeah me too! Serj and I live super close." Daron said awkwardly "k cool! :D" you said shuffling through your back to grab your keys. "Here they are!" You spoke to yourself. You walked to the drivers side of the car, hopped in, and closed the door behind you. Little did you know, Daron and Serj were quietly arguing about who gets to sit next to you. Daron won. "Okay so where do y'all live?" You asked "y'all?" Daron mocked (idk how to put it) "come on Dar don't be rude." Serj said strongly "ehhh it's fine. I get it a lot." You said smiling. And you were off. *time skip cuz I'm tired* "it's rightttttttttt there!" Serj said as you pulled up to his house, you parked the car, grabbed your things, and got out. "This is where I live as well!" You said ecstatic that you live by your new friends. "Really?! Yay! :D" Serj said more excited than you.

*time skip 2 tomorrow cuz AAAAAAA-*

you walked over to Serj's house and knocked on the door. *knock knock knock* "good morning Serj!" You yelled as he opened the door and walked to Daron's house with you *knock knock knock* "hey Daron!" You yelled, as Daron joined the both of you. "So, I don't's school?" Y/n asked no one in particular. " sucks" Daron said "you can say that again" Serj said calmly. You all walked into the school to Mr. Whatever The Fuck's class you, Daron and Serj sit down and start talking. "Yeah! So I-" "GOOD MORNING CLASS." Mr. Whatever The Fuck yelled making you jump "today we're working on a project! I'm going to be assigning groups of three" Mr. Whatever The Fuck said you looked at Serj and Daron. Mr Whatever The Fuck started reading the names for the project, "Britney, Mackenzie, and Ruby!" You heard them squealing like bats in the back of the classroom "OMG I'm so glad we're all together!!!" Britney yelled "Daron, Serj, and Y/n!" Mr Whatever The Fuck said, you all high fived each other.

*after school*

"Do you all want to work on the project at my house tonight?" You asked while getting in the car "yeah that'd be great!" Serj said "mhm!" Daron hummed.

-the end- (for now) 

Do you want a part 2? If so please tell me :)

Have a great day!

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