I love you, idiot <3

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It's still kinda winter where I am, but I miss summer! Sorry! This is going to be another short chapter, but I hope you still like it!

Warnings: unedited, Pollen? (sorry to all my lovely Daron simps with pollen allergies)

You pulled the covers off your warm body, lazily got up, put on your outfit for the day, ate breakfast, tied your shoes (or not idk what ur taste in shoes r), threw open the door and ran to Daron house.

Daron's pov:

You yanked the covers off, practically threw yourself off the bed, put on jeans, an Iron Maiden tee, walked to the kitchen, you were in the middle of eating breakfast when- *knock* *knock* *knock*

3rd person pov:

Daron slowly opened the door to see y/n bent over "*gasp* hi *gasp* Daron!" Y/n huffed standing up straight after a while. "Hi? Did you run all the way here?" Daron asked "mhm!!" You hummed. Daron motioned for you to come in, you did just that. Daron grabbed a glass, filled it with water and pushed it in your hands. "Aww you care about me!" You teased "I do NOT!" He said defensively "mhm, sure you don't" you said taking a swig of the water he gave you. "Anyway, why'd you come over here? Let alone run?" He asked facing you. "Oh ya know just wanted to ask if you wanted to go do something. "Umm, sure! I have nothing going on" he said softly with a smile. You dumped out the rest of the water and put the glass on the table (with the keys) "haha! Ok! Let's go!" You yelled, grabbing his wrist, running out the door, and slamming the door behind the both of you. "C'mon!" You yelled looking behind yourself to see him. He was beet red trying to keep up with you, you assumed he was red because it's hot out and both of you are running really fast. You right and wrong. "Y/n! Look in front of you!" Daron yelled. You looked forward for a second before you saw the sidewalk.

There was a sharp pain on your right knee. "Ow!" You said lifting your head up and moving so you can see your knee "aw man, y/n are you ok?" Daron asked helping you up to your feet. Daron saw your knee then looked around, luckily and unluckily the thing that caught your foot was the leg of a bench. Daron helped you up, sat you down on the bench and got on his knees to look at yours. He dug around in his pockets till he found what he wanted. He cleaned up your knee with what he had, a pack of tissues and 4 bandaids, you only needed to bandaids. *After patching you up* you ready to keep walking?" He asked "mhm!" You got up from the bench and continued walking.

"Where are we going?" He asked "Just a little place I like to call, you'll see" (was that a Seinfeld reference? Yes. Ik it's a old show but I like it)

"C'mon we're almost there!" You said walking faster then usual "you said that 5 minutes agooo!" Daron whined. You grabbed his wrist and lead him through a bunch of trees "here we are!" You yelled running off the the middle of the field. Decorating the grass were huge clumps of colorful flowers, there was a picnic bench with a picnic blanket on it, a radio, sandwichs, and a jug of lemonade. "Did you make all of this?" He asked you. You ran back over to him. "Yep! Now come on! You grabbed his wrist once again. "Haha! Ok!" He yelled, laughing. You turned on the radio. Son of a Gun by Nirvana was playing. You grabbed his hands and spun him around ~Sun shines in the bedroom, where we playyyyyy~ ~the raining always starts when you go awayyyyy~ You lost your balance, that cause you both to fall down. You both fell at the end of the song. You crawled over to the side of Daron and laid on your back like him. "I love you, idiot" you both spent the rest of the day dancing, talking, catching, releasing bugs, and making flower crowns.

The end!

Have a good day! I love you! Drink some water pls! 💕

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