Lighting bugs

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Sorry! I know this is a bit late

Warnings: alcohol, cannabis, unedited!

All of you were in the backyard of serj's house getting high and drunk, in season of the summer. It was around 11pm, it was almost pitch black, but you could still see because of the backyard lights and the fireflies that glowed around all of you. You walked towards Daron, who was smoking a joint and talking to Shavo. You didn't say a word, you sat down on the grass by Daron's chair and laid your head on his lap. "Ya need anything?" "Wanna catch fireflies, like we did when we were younger?" You asked him. It was a almost a tradition to every summer night, catch fireflies, then when you both were don't looking at them you would let them fly away. You always wondered when they ended up. Maybe the fireflies that your looking at now are great great great great great great great great great great grandkids of those fireflies you and Daron caught as kids. "Of course I do!" He replied with a smile, you lifted your head from his lap and stood up, you offered him a hand to help him up, "tch, I'm not THAT old!" He gently smacked your hand away. "Once you both got to your feet, you looked at him, he looked at you, and you both ran off together, disrupting the peacefulness of the resting lighting bugs on the grass, making them fly away and light up like they always do. 

Serj came out of the house with 2 open beers in hand then walked over to Shavo and John, "So, what are the kids doing?" Serj asked Shavo "Oh, I think they are catching fireflies" Shavo said "of course" Serj said with a smile while shaking his head. John just sat there like an NPC, Serj handed Shavo and John beers.

 "I got one!" You yelled holding your hands together so the bug doesn't escape. "Ooo, really?" Daron asked running over to you gazing at your hands. "Mhm!" You parted your hands just enough so Daron and you could see the glowing creature. You opened your hands up all the way and you both watched the bug fly away. "Come on! Let's go catch more!" You yelled, running away to catch more fireflies.

The end :)

(398 words) Sorry this is really short! Have a good day! 

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