Coffee shop around the corner (derj)

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Hi sorry I've been gone for a while, but here I am with a derj story, my friend: @Kirkwahammett requested one, while I was working on a story where Y/n and Daron meet at a coffee shop and I thought ehh this can be turned into a derj story, so here we are. Anyway, on to the story

It's another day at the coffee shop for Daron, this coffee shop is amazingly boring! And when I say that I mean it. It was a normal boring Monday until this beautiful man walked in, his long dark hair with curls, his curls sort of bouncing with every step he took. "Hello! Can I please have a black coffee?" The man said with his thick Armenian accent. "Uh, yeah of course!" Daron said enthusiastically and scrambled to the back of the store, only then realizing the things he needs are at the front. Quickly sprinting back to the front Daron grabbed a cup and the rest of the things to make the mans coffee. "Here's your coffee sir!" Daron said out of breath and slammed the coffee on the counter. "Thank you! Ummm....heres 20 dollars. Keep the change." He said walking out of the store "oh! You can call me Serj! :)" Serj flashed Daron a smile and left. "Huh, Serj.....Serjjjjjjj.....seeeeerj....serrrrrrrjj....such a nice name!" Daron said to no one. When Daron went to collect the money that was left on the counter he found a sticky note folded a few time and inside the folds (*put sex joke here*) it read: "call me! :D" The clock couldn't tick by slower, Daron was just waiting till his shift was done so he could talk to Serj. "Only 15 more minutes...." Daron muttered to himself. After the longest 15 minutes of Daron's  life, he could go home and talk to Serj. 

*ringg....ringg....ringg....ringg* -click- "hello this is serj tankian!" H-hi, it's Daron, Daron malakian. After the best phone call Daron could have wished for, they talk for a least 5 hours "Daron-" OH SHIT! Sorry Serj but I have to go! I have to wake up early to go to the coffee shop! I'm so sorry, have a good night! I love you! -click- Daron turned beet red once he put down the phone. "Did I really just say "I love you" to him....." Daron whispered, embarrassed.

*after a few weeks of Serj stoping by the coffee shop and talking on the phone*

-lè next day- the familiar jingle of the door opening in the coffee shop rang when serj tankian walked in, Daron blushed again remembering what he said the night before on the phone. "Hello Daron!" Serj said with lots of excitement. "Hello!" Daron said with less enthusiasm then Serj "everything okay dar?" Serj asked, Daron blushing harder because of the nickname. "Y-yeah, I'm okay" Daron lied "hmmm....sure" Serj said sarcastically -on the phone- *ringggg...ringgg.... -click- hello the-this is se-Serj! :)" Daron could hear his smile through the phone that's what he loved about him. "Hey, the-this- is se-serj" Daron teased "hey! >:(" again Daron could hear his expressions through the phone *after hours of talking* "*sigh* I love you."  Daron sighed "you do?" Serj asked 'oh shit' Daron thought "I-um I mean- well." Daron said worried what Serj would think of him if he said yes. "If it makes you feel better, I love you :)" Serj said calmly "as a friend or...more?" Daron asked "well...I love you a whole lot...I'd say, I love you as more then a friend" Serj said blushing. It felt like 30 ton weights were lifted off Daron's shoulders "sooooo do you love me?" Serj asked eager for an answer "yeah...yeah! I love you so much Serj! <3" Daron said. -click- "serj? Serj! Serj!? Serj." 'Dammit Daron' he thought tears collecting in the corners of his eyes *knock...knock...knock* "what?" Daron asked angry and sad, before he could react he was tackled in a hug. "I love you so, so much" Serj said muffled by his head being in the crook of darons neck "I-I love you too Serj" <3


Have a mushroom, no you may not eat it. Here :) 🍄

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