I Love You, Grease Pig!

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Pahkitew Island... it's an all new season with an all new island, and all new victims! I mean, competitors. Ha ha. Two incredible teams were created. And by incredible, I mean incredibly weird. The first challenge was to build themselves a home, and the Kinosewak's tree fort was a hand down winner. When compared to Team Maskwak's useless and unbalanced wizard's tower. And for doing nothing but making annoying noises and well, being annoying in general, Beardo was the first one to be fired away in our Cannon of Shame debut. So, what can we expect first during our second challenge? Find out soon on Total. Drama. Pahkitew Island!


Jasmine snores and yawns


Amy: Ugh, what are you doing?

Jasmine: I'm going to forage for some food.

Amy: Oh. Forage? Is that dangerous? Do you want some help?

Jasmine: Four hands are better than two.

Amy: Samey! Wake up!

Samey: Huh?

Amy: Go with Jasmine and get me some food! And don't be all lazy like you were when you were born.

(Confessional: Amy)

Amy: After I was born, mommy and I had to wait seventeen minutes for Samey to come out. Ugh! Can you imagine? If I could've walked, I would've left without her.

(Confessional Off)

Leonard: It was then that our party encountered a vicious Umber Colossus! Luckily, I had enough mana to banish it with a displishment spell.

Sugar: Mr. Wizard, I never understand half of what you say. That's how I know you're smart.

[ Ella ]

A harrowing tale of dungeons and dice

Infesting a monster that just wasn't nice

Y/N: Y'know Ella, your voice is really beautiful and it suits you, beautiful voice for a beautiful girl.

(Ella Blushes)

Ella: (giggling) why thank you Y/N

(Confessional: You)

Y/N: somehow I just know by the end of the show that me and Ella will end up together.

(Confessional Ends)

Sugar: Shut your song-hole, dressy! I wasn't done talking to the wizard!

Ella: Mm.

Y/N: Hey she was only trying to lighten the mood, why don't you just back off you uncivilized Hick

Sugar: [confessional] Oh, Sugar's on to Ella's "nice girl" performance. She better watch her step. Nobody but me is winning this here pageant and who does that Y/N think he is calling me uncivilized!

Dave: Um, maybe instead of making up stories and--

Leonard: You doubt my word? It happened!

Sky: What Dave means is that we should focus on finding a legitimate shelter.

Dave: We used rocks as pilows last night, heh. Very unclean rocks.

Leonard: Pfft, I levitated all night.

Ella: [vocalizing]

Dave: [confessional] Am I on the right show? Or did I land on my head when I fell from the zeppelin? Is that it? I'm unconscious, and this is all a nightmare?

Sky: [confessional] This is my team. And if we don't win some challenges, I'll never make it to the finale. [real time] Guys? Uh, with our diverse set of skills, I think we can win these challenges, but we have to work together as a team. Come on! Let's do this! Go Team Maskwak!

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