Mo Monkey, Mo Problems

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island... the teams battle in a smash, splash, and 1-2-3 X-dash. Got to meet Scuba Bear. That's right. Scuba Bear. Shawn's fear of zombies really helped him out, but didn't do much for Jasmine. Sugar smacked the Samey out of Amy, and after Team Maskwak won, just to be on the safe side, we put Amy and Samey in the cannon. We're down to nine, which is great, and it's soon to be eight. Who'll go kaput? And who will stay put? Let's find out here on Total. Drama. Pahkitew Island!

[Scene Changes]

Max: Hello? You there, sidekick. Enough laying about. Up, up, up. Up!

Scarlett: [gasps]

Max: Fetch food for my face, then I'll teach you more in the ways of evil.

(Confessional: Scarlett)

Scarlett: [confessional] Yeah. He's starting to annoy me.

(Confessional Off)

Dave: [sniffs] [sneezes]

(Confessional: Dave)

Dave [sighs while holding a flower]: A picnic is the most romantic way to eat. If you get past that idea that every bite might have bugs or animal droppings in it. But, I'm not gonna think about that.

(Confessional Off)

Shawn: Didn't you say Sky was hesitant about getting into a relationship?

Dave: No. All she said was, "I like you too, but--"... the "but" could be anything. Maybe it was "I like you too, but even more than you like me."

Shawn: Uh-huh. Sky's competitive, amigo. She's not here for a relationship. She's here for the million bucks! Aren't you?

Dave: I don't care about the money.

Shawn: Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear over your insanity!

Dave: Wouldn't you pay a million dollars for the chance to be with your true love?

Shawn: [squeals] I'll go find Sky for you.

Dave: [sniffs] [sneezes]

(Confessional: Shawn)

Shawn: [sniffle] I'll find Sky, send her to Dave, then go tell Jasmine how I feel.

(Confessional Off)

Sugar: I can smell your brain working, Sky. Come on, girlo a girlo. Tell Big Sugar what the up is.

Sky: I'm just... do you think there's anything between Dave and Ella?

Sugar: Don't be silly! Of course not!

Sky: Heh, yay. Thanks, Sugar.

Sugar: Dave's flirtin' with everybody

Sky: What? What do you talking about?

Sugar: He told me my right eye was even prettier than my left. He's playing us girls like a herd of banjos.

Sky: You don't really think that, do you?

Sugar: He's running a game on you, Sky. Just saying, is all. [confessional] Yeah, that was a can of lies. But the teams are gonna merge soon. It's time to mess with some minds.

Y/N: [Sees Ella] There she is, okay today is the day I tell her, I'll go up to her look her right in the eye and say Ella, I love you, I am not gonna pull a Rodney

Ella: [vocalizing] Y/N!

Y/N: Hi Ella, I was meaning to tell you that I-

Ella: Have you seen Dave?

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