Hurl and Go Seek

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island... Dave made sure things with he and Sky were still okay. And they weren't! [chuckles] My insane challenge put the teams in crazy, dangerous situations. We saw a side of Max that was even creepier than the side he'd been showing us. And Topher got a very important phone call from the network, saying he was taking over as the new host. Sadly for Topher, the calls were from me, and I'm a liar. Topher got the blame, the cannon went blam! Now, it's back to the game and only seven remain. Who's next to go? Just watch the show! It's time for Total. Drama. Pahkitew Island!


Chris: [whispering over loudspeaker] Shh, sleepyheads. I'm here to turn your dreams into nightmares.

Sugar: [snoring]

Chris: Picture yourself on a dangerous island...

[airhorn blares]

Chris: [over loudspeaker] Psyche!

Jasmine: Ow!

Shawn: Ow!

Y/N: what the hell?

Chris: [over loudspeaker] You already are on a dangerous island! [laughs] Meeting area! Now!

Sugar: [snoring]

Max: What is so important, it required waking us in the middle of the night?

Scarlett: Cognitive function is dependent on REM sleep.

Y/N: [yawns] Can we go back to bed now?

Chris: The reason I called you here is because... it's time to merge the teams. Consider yourself merged!

Jasmine: And that couldn't have waited until the morning?

Chris: Hey. If you guys don't want the midnight merger meal, then fine. Just go back to bed.

Sky: You've never done anything nice. Ever! What gives?

Chris: Fine. The lawyers called to say that feeding only one team every couple days is technically "starvation". So, this is a legally enforced team merger celebration dinner.

[all cheer]

Chris: It was gonna be gourmet pizzas, bison burgers, and sweet potato fries, but the silk tablecloth and the silver candelabras put us way over budget. So tonight, you'll be eating... Juggy Chunks!

All but Sugar: [gasp]

Y/N: Juggy Chunks?

Sugar: Woohoo! Is this Thanksgiving?

Max: I've never heard of these "Juggy Chunks",

Sugar: Come on, you've seen the commercials. They got that catchy jingle, and it ends with the cartoon horse that goes "I've never won a race! But I'm still delicious! [neighs] They're gratifying!"

Shawn: How does a horse give a thumbs up?

Sugar: Cartoon horses always give a thumbs up. Otherwise, they'd get mistaken for real horses.

Chris: Okay, save some wonderful truisms for your spin-off show, Sugar.

Sugar: [gasps]

Chris: Relax, I'm kidding. Television broadcast standards could never sink that low.

Sugar: [growls] [confessional] I got great show ideas. [clears throat] A show called That's Nothing. Real people tells me their problems and I just yell, "Suck it up!" I'd watch that.

Chris: This fabulous dinner will be used as a pre-challenge. The first player of Juggy Chunks will be safe from elimination. All right, everyone. Grab some chunks.

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