Pahk'd With Talent

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama... The final five took a simple footrace to stanky new heights. [chuckles] Nasty. Ha ha. With Jasmine and Shawn show-mancing it up, Sky and Y/N was forced to partner with their cabbage-eating nemesis, Sugar, which was actually a very good idea. 'Til it became a very bad idea. In the end, Jasmine was the last to reach for the top, and the next to take a hop into the giant peashooter of shame. It's five no more. We're down to these three, and soon, one more of them will blast free. So, whose going to be your final two? I wanna know, don't you? Let's do! Here, on Total. Drama. Pahkitew Island! 



[Psycho music]

Sky: [screams] Huh? Must've been a nightmare.


Sugar: [confessional] [giggles] I wasn't really gonna hit her. Hehe, on camera.

Sky: [confessional] Finale, here I come! Y/N's fit and smart-ish, but if it comes down to a foot race or a math test, I think I can take him. And Sugar's no match at all. Although she did make it all the way to the final three. Underestimating her again would be a big mistake. If I'm not careful, she'll cheat and lie her way to the million! No more Mr. Nice Guy-- uh, I mean girl.

Y/N: [yawns] Morning Sky, [Solemnly] Oh and uh Sugar greetings. [confessional] Sky told me what Sugar did to her yesterday, I can't believe, actually I can because come on, it's Sugar.

Chris: [over loudspeaker] Attention punching bags, it's that time again! Final three to the meeting area, pronto!

Sugar: Oh, hey there! [insincere] How'd you sleep? Hope you didn't have any nightmares! Wink.

Sky: [gasp] I slept fine! Sorry if you didn't. Don't worry, you'll sleep better tonight when you're home. You know, home? Where you're headed? After you lose this challenge?

Sugar: [laughs] Oh, silly. I never lose when it counts. You'll never beat me, 'cause you're too nice!

Sky: Ow!

Sugar: [confessional] Two girls filled with boiling hatred for each other. It's really starting to feel like a pageant now. And there's only two emotions at a pageant. Winning and revenge.

Sky: [confessional] Okay. Ow. Maybe I need to work on my "No more Mr. Nice Girl".


Chris: Children of competition. Your toughest challenge yet will be in three parts. Head-to-head-to-head.

Sugar: Head-to-head? Ha, just call me the winner now. My noggin's bigger and solid-er than everyone else's combined!

Chris: Head-to-head doesn't mean that you--

Sugar: Doctors say that my skull is so thick, some of my brain squashed down into my neck!

Sky: Now, that I believe.

Chris: Yeah, 'cause it's true.

Y/N: [confessional] Sky may be the most likely to survive to the finale, but Sugar, not so much that is, if she get's to the finale, I mean the chick brain is in her neck

Chris: This will be a three part challenge. Each player gets to create one of those parts.

Sky: I get to create my own challenge?

Chris: You all do, within reason. Winner of each challenge gets three points, second place gets two, and last place gets one. After all three challenges, the player with the lowest total points gets to see the inside of cannon. Briefly. Two highest scores gets to battle it out in the finale for one. Million. Dollars! Whoa! Careless. Get that money back into the case pronto or you're fired. [to contestants] You have one minute to write down the details of your challenge.

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