Twinning Isn't Everything

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Chris(Voice over, Recapping last episode): Last time on Total Drama Pahkitew Island, the teams were put to the challenge in an all-out relay through our greasetacular oopstacle course while carrying wild pigs. Lots of things happened throughout the episode; Shawn might have developed feelings for Jasmine, Dave grew feelings for Sky, Amy began to push Samey to her breaking point, and Scarlett offered to help Max with his evil schemes. In the end, Jasmine pulled off another victory for Kinosewak, and Leonard was the next competitor to be eliminated from Team Maskwak. "ALAKABLAMO" loser! (Laughs evilly. Cuts to Chris at the bonfire.) Only 13 left and they are all one step closer to the million. Will Maskwak be able to pull off a victory? Will more sparks fly between the competitors? Who will be the cannon's next victim? Find out right here, right now. This is Total Drama Pahkitew Island.


Y/N: I take it that Amy forced you to go out grabbing berries huh Sammy

Sammy: pretty much, yeah

Jasmine: You know that you don't have to help me every morning just 'cause Amy tells you to.

Samey: You... you don't want me to come?

Jasmine: That's not what I said. I just want it to be your decision, not hers. Stop letting your sister treat you like a servant.

Samey: Oh, she never treats me that well.

Jasmine: Then do something about it!

Samey: How can I? She's everyone's favorite. She's the pretty one.

Y/N: You two are identical twins! You're both the pretty one! but you're more prettier

Samey: Really?

Jasmine: Samey, look. The first person who stands up for you has gotta be you.

Y/N: She's right y'know

Samey: Wow. So are we like, friends? If not, that's okay. I don't have a lot of friends, so I-I'm not, I just--

Y/N: Sammy, we're only telling you these things is because we wanna help you be more assertive 

Jasmine: The way Amy treats you bothers me, so yeah, I guess we're friends. And I have trouble making friends too. I don't know why but--

[apples fall]

Jasmine: People find me a bit intimidating.

[tree falls]

Y/N: I can see that

Samey: [confessional] Maybe I have been letting Amy get away with too much. One time, I let her shave my head so that people could "tell us apart". Jasmine and Y/N are right! I've gotta stand up for myself!

(Confessional Off)

Y/N: I'll be off now, see ya during today's challenge. But Sammy remember what I told you.

Sammy: Let out my inner tigress?

Y/N: now your catching on.

Shawn: Hey.

Jasmine: G'day, Shawn.

Samey: Um, I'm going over there.

Jasmine: So, Shawn, any zombies sighted in the area? [giggles]

(Confessional: Shawn)

Shawn: Usually when I talk to a girl, I'm the one who has to bring up the undead. Looks, survival skills, and a healthy fear of reanimated corpses? Man, this girl has everything! No zombie sightings, yet. But they can walk underwater so they can be on this island right now.

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