》 Chapter X 《

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23 hours after the second time stone experiment / Location: classified

P.o.V. Wanda:

I'm sitting in Pietro's room, because it's been almost 24 hours since our experiment. But it feels like the time is standing in halt. At least I've eaten and sleept a bit, but not as much as I needed. Clint is sitting next to me, but we haven't talk yet. I don't know how long we've been sitting here in silence. I also don't know what to say to break the silence. Clint doesn't know that too, I have looked into his head. I know I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't resist.

I sigh. Clint looks up from his feet to me. He looks me in the eyes.
„I would love to tell you, that everything will be alright again and that he will wake up soon. But let me be honest with you, I know nothing about these space things, they scare me, to be completely honest. I'm a normal human being, without any superpowers. I would never touch one of these stones, they are way to powerful and you and your brother just touched two of them. Your powers are insane. Sometimes I think to myself, What the fuck Barton are you doing here, all of them have some kind of super power or super suits and you are just a middle aged man, with some pretty good training." He laughs and I join in. "Thanks, sometimes I thing about what had happen, if we would never had volunteer. But I guess some things are just meant to happen in our life."

"And, we would never have met these weird family-kind of friends" Pietros voice comes out of nowhere. We both frightened and look at him with shock. "You are awake." I say loudly, with pure happiness in my voice. He nods "How long do I overslept? I think you were never that happy to see me, ever in your life." Our emotions change to surprised. "Don't you remember anything?" I ask and Pietro shakes his head. "There was an explosion at the compound and we got kidnapped." His eyes widen while I talk. "Where are we? Why are you guys so calm, if we are kidnapped. Everything in my head is super fuzzy. How long I've been away? The last thing I know I was chasing Peter cause he did something stupid, than I remember some sounds and voices in a medical room like this and the next thing I know is, that I woke up a minute ago." "Thats interesting, we should call Strange." I nod at Clint and he pushes the button next to the bed, to call for the sourcer of supreme.

A few minutes later, which felt like forever Stephen enters the room. "He's awake, but he has some memory-issues." I tell him and look at my brother. He sits in his bed, looking way healthier than yesterday, with his innocent confused eyes and a light smile around his lips. "I feel good, Doc. I promise. I fell like I have overslept a bit, but that's all." "Your were in a coma for at almost 5 days." Strange says. "He can't remember a thing about the kidnapping." I say. "I can speak for myself little sister, im fine." Pietro interrupts me. "I would guess, you were in a coma for much longer, if you really can't remember and when Clint rescued you, you were in really bad conditions. To be honest I thought sometime, you might not make it." Strange continues and checks Pietro while talking.

"But you are looking good for now, just like your sister yesterday. I think the stones are working perfect. It is unbelievable. I mean I knew they are powerful, but this, I thought wouldn't be possible. You're good to go, but if your head feels strange, come to me immediately. Clint can get you some clothes and Wanda can I talk to you for a moment, alone." I look at Strange confused, Why would he want to talk to me? It something wrong with Pietro? Did he lie? Is Pietro about to die? A million things went through my head. "Wanda? Wanda?" Strange waves in-front of my face with his hand. "Yes, sure, we can talk outside." I stutter. Clint had already left the room, so do Stephen and I.

"Wanda I just want to tell you something and I'm not sure if you wanted Pietro to hear it too." I nod at him. "I have an assumption why Pietro may have lost his memories. Your powers could have done that, while you tried to wake him up. I don't think I will have caused more damage to his head, but we need to be careful." "But I - would never - I - my powers - I - this" I wasn't able to get my words straight and shutter. "I know, you didn't meant to do something like that and it wasn't your fold. We don't know the whole amount of your powers, you can do a lot more things, that you might thinks. I just want to tell you this, because you two need to be careful for the next few weeks. Although losing his memories isn't the worst thing, with these kidnappings, it maybe is better, that when he would remember what they have done to you guys." Strange's voice is calm and he tries to comfort me a bit, but I'm still shocked.

I may have hurt my brother. My powers could have caused real damage to his brain. I am totally distant, till Clint and Pietro stand right in front of me. I didn't have noticed that Strange already have left. "Wanda?" I look at Clint, who had said my name. I nod. "Yeah, ehm, what sorry?" I'm finally back to reality. "I want to show Pietro his new room, do you want to come too?" Clint asks, again I guess. "Of corse" I reply and take Pietro's hand. "We are going slow." He smiles at me. "Spoilsport" he calls me and I laugh. "This think is like a maze, and I just got you back I don't lose you, because you're lost somewhere in this headquarter." I say with a stern voice, but also a smiling face. Pietro and Clint laugh at me and we walk to his room together.

A/N: All characters are awake by now, and Wanda and Pietro already have touched two out of six infinity stones. Thanks to everyone who have read the first ten chapters

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