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TW: Description of suicide notes

Ashlyn and Gina

Time skip: after school

Location: Caswell-Porter household

> My 'older' cousin (who has the mind of a five-year-old)

Ashlyn- So where are you?

"I'm sure he'll turn up any minute now! EJ has always had a lateness gene in him!" Ashlyn joked; Gina choked out an uncomfortable laugh in response.

"Yeah, he does."

"For all I know, he's probably been held up by Ricky."

Do you still harbour feelings for him?


Ashlyn suddenly took notice of the strange look on Gina's face, how uncomfortable she felt sitting on EJ's couch, and how her eyes kept racing around the room that she had been in many times.

Oh dear, something is not right with G

"Are you good G?" Ashlyn asked, her eyes expressed a pinnacle of concern. "You seem on edge-"

"I'm fine! Everything is good Ash! How could you think that something is ever wrong with me?"

Oh, something is definitely up with her

"Gina, you don't have to lie."

Gina bit her lip nervously. "What makes you think that?"

She followed Ashlyn's eyes down to her... hands? She suddenly noticed how sweaty they were.

"Your hands-"

"It's just really hot in here! Don't you agree Ash?"

Ashlyn gave her a confused look. "Gina... it's very windy out, and I haven't been feeling any heat lately."


Ashlyn Caswell is a smart girl. How could Gina ever pull the wool over her eyes?

"Ash, I-"

"Hello, hello!" EJ appeared just when she could spill her guts, she had never felt so annoyed at him more than she did just then. "You guys came! Thank fucking God!"

"Thanks for the introduction, EJ, but why did you message me saying that you had something to tell me?"

EJ looked around anxiously before shutting the door, confusing the girls as they have never seen EJ act this way before.

"EJ, what's wrong-"

"I think someone is watching us."

Oh shit.



Location: home


God, what did they want now?


"Get downstairs right now!"

Oh no

Please don't say that he found it

Carlos walked down the spiral staircase; his head hung low in shame as he went into the dining room. There, his parents sat next to each other, his mother's eyes were full of tears, while his father had that same gruff expression like always.

He definitely found it

Time to prepare for your funeral

"Y-You wanted to see me?" He stuttered; his eyes were already filling up with his shameful tears.

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