Slipping through my fingers

75 4 11

TW: Mentions of rape and ED's 

Kourtney and Lillian

Location: Lillian's second house

"Hey mum," Lillian called into the house as she opened the front door. "Sorry for being later than usual, I just spent the night at a... friend's house."

A middle-aged woman appeared around the corner in that second. She looked exactly like Lillian, minus her eyes being a shade of hazel unlike the oceanic blue that was Lillian's.

"There's my Lillian!" She pulled her daughter in for a hug before taking notice of Kourtney. "And who may you be?" She asked.

"I'm Kourtney Greene. I sit next to Lillian in Chemistry, and we're both in the musical together."

"That name rings a bell, are you Cinderella in that production by any chance?"

Did Lillian go around and tell everyone who I play? That is very cute!


"Thought so, you did a fantastic rendition of on the steps of the palace when I saw a bit from rehearsal."

"Thank you, that's very sweet!"

She felt so accepted in Lillian's household. It felt like there was no such concept as hatred, and only the concept of treating each other with the way you want to be treated was present. Her household was slightly like this, minus the occasional arguments her and her mother would get into. But other than that, she felt safe and loved in her household.

"Alright, how long will you be staying Kourtney?"

"I was just probably going to head home-"

"Actually, do you want to hang out?" Lillian offered; her lips curled into a sweet smile. "I usually just bake and read when I'm over here. It would be nice to have company besides my mum."

"Are you calling me too old for you Lilli?" Her mother looked jokily offended. "All these years and you just repay it all back by calling me old in some fancy way."

"No mum, I still love you, but I just want to hang out with Kourtney."

Lillian's mum directed a warm smile at the nervous girl. "Would you like to stay the night, Kourtney?"

Another night with Lillian? She could barely function through the first night, as her eyes were just stuck at her delicacy. Lillian fell asleep before she did, which meant that Kourtney was left alone with all these feelings through that night. She felt so happy around Lillian, but she also felt happy around her friends, so she could probably see Lillian as a really good friend.


"Sure, I'm glad to stay the night."




Location: the barn

"Milky, I have a problem!" Seb practically shot open the barn door, making his cows slightly frightened at the loud noise. Seb was definitely pissed off about something, all these cows were well educated on Seb's feelings due to being around him for so long.


He approached Milky White and caressed her face gently, comforting her almost instantly.

"Carlos's dad is being a control freak and I don't know what to do!" He began his rant almost instantly. "He won't let Carlos see me because he thinks I'm a bad influence! I'm not a bad influence, I'm just a person who has flaws. His dad has flaws, Carlos has flaws, it's practically an everyone wins scenario!"

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