What it means to be a friend

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TW: Mentions of rape

Seb, Lillian and Kourtney

Location: outside of the cabin in the woods

"You gave me all that power Carlos; you should be happy that you're giving to a good cause."

"But... you took it by force-"

"I took nothing by force! Are you just sad that you'll never see that pathetic blonde shit of a boyfriend ever again?"

"I... will s-see him-"

"Then where is he Carlos?"

The time they spent outside that window was torturous, as they were forced to endure listening to the brutal words of Jack Stockwell. The three held back their tears as they heard Carlos's soft pleads to stop, while Jack ignored them and continued his disgusting habit.

Seb just wanted to break open that window and rescue his boyfriend.

Kourtney wanted to strangle Jack.

And Lillian? She was conflicted between murdering Jack with her bare hands, or rescuing Carlos first.

When was Jack going to leave the room? When he did, it would allow them to finally make their move on the rescue mission. It didn't take until a few minutes later (though it felt like hours) for Jack to finally bid his farewell in his sickening way.

They heard Carlos being dragged off a bed and being pushed against a wall, where the sound of chains was soon heard clicking tightly.

Yeah, they had a little sense of an idea on what the chains were being used for.

"Till death do us part, I'll see you later."

Once those final words were heard, they were then forced to listen to Carlos's tearful lament.

"Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve getting raped twice? Is this all I'm going to be used for now? I should just give up my dreams of being a choreographer and become the sex object for Jack? Just so he can abuse me to feel power? I hate myself! I want this all to end! Why can't I just die already?"

Kourtney saw a tear run down Seb's cheek, prompting her to wipe it away and pull him in for a hug.

"It's going to be okay Sebby; we're going to save him."

He sniffled through his light tears. "I need him now Kourt! He doesn't deserve any of this! He's had a few mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean he deserves to be treated as a sex object!"

"I know Sebby."

Lillian however was looking up at the window, how a little of the window was left slightly open without care.

That gave her an idea.

"Seb?" She called out to him quietly, catching his attention instantly.


She pointed to the window. "This window over here is able to open."


She smiled. "I'll open it up and get you inside so that you can get to Carlos first."

"Hold up, what about you and Kourt?"

She looked to her girlfriend, who seemed to sense the same idea that she was thinking as well.

"We'll find another way to get inside, so that we can take Jack by surprise."

"But what if he hurts you guys? I don't want my best friends getting hurt!"

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