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Junkyu pov

I sit to my chair and so as haruto when I don't find my math book in my bag i got terrified and take a pick at haruto like i have something to say and got the confidence to say "ahhh haruto can i borrow your math book for a little moment i have something pretty important to read"i said in a calm voice i scratch my neck "no"said haruto in a deep voice "whyyyy your not using now so let me borrow just for now  please"i said in a begging way with a puppy eyes "uugghh ok here!"he said and my face light up and quickly grab his book to his hand and quickly read it and i heard his scoffed
the teacher came in and i was finished already and brought it back "here thank you for allowing me to borrow this"i said in a smile and low voice so the teacher can't here he just took it from me with a cold face and focused to the teacher and a hour ago the bell rang and i was exhausted my body is needing a bed to sleep "uugghh" i said stretching my arms left and right when the people going out happily i saw my seatmates gone and i sigh as a relief  i left the room after I gather my things and when i was walking i saw douyong talking park jihoon hyung and his bf i go to them "hey guys what's up?"i said in a happy voice "hey kim junkyu i heard your seatmate is mister coldy guy "jihoon hyung said "haruto?"i said with a confused look "yes no other thank him "jihoon said with a scoffed "so" i said " his a bully in his previous school"jihoon said "why do you know that who told you?"i said in a confused tone and an interesting one

Hi guys sorry for a slow update btw hope you like this thank you for reading bye!!!wooosshhhh......🌠🌠🌠🌠🐨🦋

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