Part 14 his parents

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Junkyu pov 

Were in the car and haruto is driving while listening at the music and i can feel his glancing at me time to time but i ignore it instead i was thinking about his parents omg is this real im gonna be lieng to adults now omgg so frustrating just because of this jerk right here arrgh nvm after the contract is finish, im gonna be free! 

"Are we there yet?" I said because i was getting bored "yep" he said in short word

After a while I noticed we enter in a big fancy gate and notice a houses that where really beautiful and the lights make it more pretty it looks warm just by seeing at it and and dark so it's perfect brooh where are we i said in my mind amazed by the design even though it's dark the lights are just making me see the designs and it's breathtaking thay are really rish i said again in my mind many thoughts comes in my mind and didn't notice that haruto was looking at me after he stop the car "you ready?" He said while looking at me "uuhh yeahh i guess so" i said "whooaa is that's your house, it looks like a mansion a trillionaire mansion" i said amaze while looking outside"hey your overreacting and yes it's my parents house now let's go" he said  "ok" i said and tryna undo the seatbelt but my hands were wet because of nervous and suddenly haruto lean in to me and he was very close and i noticed he look at me and slowly at my lips while he was undoing the seatbelt of mine after a sec of just staring he look away "uh let's go" he said stuttering and i was blushing mad!! what the heck happened there

Haruto pov

Broh i wipe my sweat in my forehead why did i f*cking stare at him that was close wooooh!

I go out of the car and notice he go out too and avoiding me ughh that's my fault he didn't move an inch so i grab his hand and go to the front of the door and ring the bell after a while someone open it and it was the nanny in the hause "where's mom and dad?" I said in a cold tone, she said their in the dining table waiting for me , i immediately walk straight to the dinning table still grabing junkyus hand and i notice he bow to the nanny and smiled at her i ignored it and proceed to walk while still holding his hand

Junkyu pov

I was shocked when he hold my hand but i just let it after he talked to the lady i bowed at her and he smiled and i smiled back too. I noticed we stopped and I looked at the front there are two people staring at us going to our hand and to our face after the little silent

the women in his 40's  stand up and go towrds me "omo who's this cutie guy haruto?" He asked haruto while squishing my cheeks and i just smiled awkwardly "mom stop touching him~~~ his my boyfriend" haruto said straight to the point  after the mom remove his hands from my face i immediately bowed down and introduce myself "hello good evening im kim junkyu nice to meet mrs and mr watanabe" i said smilling "you did a good job picking a lover my son" his father said that gave me shocking "of course i wouldn't pick just some needy people outhere" he said and wrapped his arms arpund my neck causing to get near his face i looked at him and he look at me too brooh i wish he wouldn't notice that im blushing "omo your so cute when your blushing kyushii" his mother said and pulled my hand causing to removed haruto's arms around and and his mother immediately let me sit beside him 


Hi everyone im back ,im really sorry to keep you all waiting, i know waiting is not easy to do but i appreciate the people who still reading this so thank 😁 hope you enjoy this part byeee..woosshhhhh 🌠🌠🌟i going to the second one later btw hihi

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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