Part 11 :announcement

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Junkyu pov

"What do you want again?!"i said in an angry tone and i let go of jihoon's wrist and sigh now i remember the 'deal' ugh i just look up to him "oh why your so angry i just want my boyfriend to come eat with me alone"he said while whispering to my ear that give me shivers

"YAHHH junkyu ,haruto are you two close or what?" Jihoon ask and i hear everyone was whispering to each other because  of haruto's was doing and ofcourse his fame

haruto look at jihoon and put his hand around my shoulder "can you tell him the news about us babe?" Haruto said smirking looking at my tomato face and i just covered my hand because of embarrassment i cannot do this i brake my thoughts when jihoon just shout ugh this boy really getting me in trouble

"BABE?!" Jihoon shout ,and took people's attention to us

"hey can you be quiet ok!"I said and i hear haruto chuckled "just tell me already!"he said eager to find out "ok" i said in defeat and i sigh before saying it "he's my boy...friend" i announce it to him while stuttering it's kinda uncomfortable to me for now but i have to do this it's my own good either

"WOOAAHH JINJA!(REALLY) AYEE CONGRATS kyu!!your not going to be old single anymore"jihoon shout and shaking me ,uggh i am so done with this i just close my eyes while his shaking me im sorry ji but im just gonna tell you the truth the this is all fake if we get home

"ok now you know it already, let's go "i said removing haruto's hand off my shoulder but he pulled me again but in my waist "not so fast ,sorry jihoon im just gonna eat my boyfriend i mean eat with my boyfriend"he said i was getting a heart attack their because i was shock and i jihoon too smirking

"aye my kyu is growing up so fast" he said i look at hime in a side eye while in struggling to remove his hand on my waist "your coming with me" he said whispering to my ear "hey ji help me~~~!!"i said but my best friend is no use "bye kyu don't do it in school im goin to hyunsuk now ,good luck!"he said he's just waving at me smilling so brightly like a child and laughing he really is just letting me like that

Haruto pov

Me and junkyu are here in the cafeteria eating while everyone was looking at us , I don't really care about them i just get use to this staring but this boy by my side is not use to this kind of attention i notice he didn't even look up and continue his food im kinda get worried ugh no you don't have to be worried about him ohh no haruto stop it this is just fake just for my dad's deal but it's my body betraying my self

"hey are you ok?"i asked him and he just nod "hey look at me"i said while i put his chin up to look at me i saw he's beautiful face with a doll eyes and a plumpy cheeks and a glistening kissable lips i remember that i kiss him in the room and that's was the best thing that happened on my life i wish i can kiss him more, how could i not be fall for him i shake my thoughts when he say something "is there something on my face?" He asked me

"yes there is, handsomeness"i said then he remove his chin and i saw hime blush "good joke haruto but im not handsome, im cute" he said while pouting doing aegyo and i chukled and i saw his pretty smile

"it's not a joke kyu it's true and yes you are also really cute"i said pinching his cheeks the cause of his whining and that got me laughing

"plus don't worry about them you'll get use to it"i said moving my face closer to him i just wish i could kiss you right now

"haruto stop where in school" he said moving away from me but i move again close to him

"so that means it's ok that i can do that if we where in a private place?"i said and it make him blush again

"yaahh what are you talking about"he said and i chuckled again because of his cuteness he looks like a baby tomato right now

Hi guys sorry for a slow update i promise i will be active this month because it's our vacation and expect for more update thank youll for waiting btw hope you like this thank you for reading bye!!!wooosshhhh......🌠🌠🌠🌠🐨🦋

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