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Harto pov

While where walking i saw some gang in the street chatting and i think their where drunk this is dangerous for junkyu to walk here i mean this a dangerous place to hang out or walk what am i thinking and i don't care what will happend to this boy i just don't care ugghh my head is driving me crazy my thoughts cut when someone talk "hey are you ok?"junkyu said looking worried on his eye "ahh yeah im fine I'm just not familiar to this place i never seen such like this
"Oh really i know it's creepy right "said junkyu in a sad tone " no no no it's not that's not what i mean what i mean it's my first time to go outside "i said looking at his eyes fool of sadness " oh really ,well then I'll make it fun then just for you"he said looking like a kid jumping up and down i chuckled to his cuteness "ok guys where here"jihoon said and we both stop laughing at each other when i look to the cafe they where saying my eyes where amaze because it's really beautiful it's like in a forest there alot of leaves design and butterfly design it's really beautiful it's a nature vibe we go inside and sit in the table with four chair i sit beside junkyu "hey guys i have a plan where gonna play rock paper scissors then the loser pays! heh!" Said jihoon in a mocking face "eyyy hyung your just showing of your too obvious that you don't have money brought "said douyong I'm confident with and it's ok even if i will pay i have alot of money and i smirk when i look at junkyu that is look pale i think he don't have enough money brought "ok then I'm sure i will win "junkyu said with a confidence i sigh his too confident to himself they look at me to find my response and i nod we played and Douyong win in the first place and he shout in happiness "im gonna buy some expensive one mmmm!"said doyoung while laughing and i see junkyu looking nervous and the is me jihoon and junkyu the second win is me and i was happy and sad for junkyu i just chuckled that i win " ahhhhhccckkkkk"jihoon said in a shout and excitement they played and the winner is dun dun dun dun PARK JIHOON!!!!! "YEEEAAAHHH WOOHHOOOO READY YOUR WALLET KIM JUNKYU!!! HAHAHAH" jihoin said in happiness and excitement when there is junkyu pouting in sadness

Hey guys sorry for late update see you in the next part there's a bit of romance happening in the next part so look forward to it BYE (◔‿◔)

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