Part 12

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Junkyu pov

We where packing our bags to go home i saw jihoon and doyoung in the door i was about to go to them  when someone grab my wrist and i fell on my sit and make me close my eyes when i open my eyes to look at the one who pull me and i saw haruto's face near at me "what are you doing?!" I said trying to back up my head to have some safe distance in our face but he keep on leaning closer and staring at me coldly but i got scared and i push him slightly to back away his face because i was getting uncomfortable "yaahh what do you want?!" I shout at him

good thing there's no one in the room and jihoon and doyoung left already when they saw the two situation and didn't wanna interfere their moment

haruto pull me again and whisper to my ear "your coming with me" he whisper and he didn't let me talk again
grab my wrist and pull towards the door and left the room and everyone was looking at us and i just look at my feet

Imagine the two boys that hate each other and now are dating and holding hands and i was so embarrassed but i notice haruto didn't care less about people talking good or shit about him
i hope this fake relationship go well and end this immediately

I didn't notice that i was in the front seat of the car and i look in the driver seat , i thought he has a driver and i was curious to where we are going "where are we going?" I said and he look at me after a sec he come close to me and I did know what to do  "hey watanabe answer me!" I said and i close my eyes tight expecting something is going to happened

but after a sec i open my eyes when I didn't feel anything but i saw haruto was putting the seatbelt "you have put your seatbelt on first, and why are closing your eyes are you expecting something?" He said smirking and that make his face leaning closer again in mine well a little bit i thought aissh i hate myself thinking there's going to happened but i brush it off "yaahh stop" i said and i push him a little to make some space in our face and he get back to his sit and he was laughing "your so cute junkyu hahaha" he said and he hold his stomach while laughing and i feel my cheeks where burning when he call me cute what the hell haruto watanabe called me cute but i know im cute and a lot of people said this to me that im cute but no one giving me this kind of feeling that something tingling on my stomach but i brush that thought

"ok stop laughing and answer me already , where are we going?" i said looking serious

it's 6 pm already our teacher let us free if it's 5:30 now it's been half a min i waste and i want to go to my apartment and get some sleep "where going to eat first and then to my parents house because im introducing you to them" he said while he start the engine of the car and start to drive and i was so shock "WHAT!? are you serious?" I said looking at him and he just nod "don't forget this bet ,this is just for my parents or do you want it to be real there's no wrong for me though" he said and i saw the smirk on his shameless face and i scoffed"im aware about the bet but do you think it's to early to introduce me to your parents and im not prepared" i said even if it's a bet i have to be a good first impression to people then he just took a glance at me then proceed to look at the road "you don't have to be too good ,i think your ready enough" he said focusing on the road i sigh "k"


We arrived at the restaurant and i widen my eyes when i saw that the restaurant is a five star here in seoul and ny mouth be come 'o' shape and i didn't notice that haruto has left the car aissh this boy really gets me really angry but i shout when i saw haruto's face outside with his cold face trying to say that i can't hear and i opened door and go out and we walked  after i closed the door

I was uncomfortable with this new view in seeing im not use to this kind of atmosphere i look around and the people here are so luxury looking and i feel so small here

I just follow haruto and we arrived at the room and i saw the sign 'vip' what is this boy , is he for real ,then i notice some people that have the same outfit i guess their are waitress here when i notice haruto sit down and he gesture me to sit infront of him and i obediently obey him

After we ordered we where eating quitely it's not that awkward it's just some peace between us enjoying our meal but after a while he broke the peace "ok this is our plan, this time im going to answer all of my parents question just be quiet and i will take care of it just be comfortable and do not be too obvious that where just pretending" he said in a serious tone while looking at me and i just nod while eating my meal "so when are we going to end this fake relationship?" I said in a hesitant not looking at him and just playing with my food "i think it will last 2 weeks and if they questioned me i will tell them that our relationship doesn't work so we have to break up and the deal that i say for your benefit is coming tomorrow ,so don't be stubborn it's for your own good too" he said and i look at him and i sigh

Im just worried about my dad i have to do this and after this i can breath normal i mean i can live in normal and by that ,i need to date this boy fir 2 weeks there's nothing can harm me , right? I broke my thoughts when someone came into the room ,a boy and i think his just the same age as me and haruto and i look at haruto that immediately stood up and greet that man

Haruto pov

I saw my cousin noah come into my room and i stood up "what's sup broh long time no see how are you" he said and we just handshake "hey ,im good, how was the flight btw?"" i said smilling a bit he didn't answer but he questioned me "oh you got some handsome friend with you haruto" he said going straight to junkyu and i look back and i see junkyu bowing at him "hello" junkyu said  and i just rolled my eyes noah never change

Junkyu pov

I said hello to the guy "hi im haruto's cousin btw and may i know your name?" He asked me with the smile on his face and offering his hand to give me a handshake but then i notice haruto with his dark aura on his face i wonder why his face change but i ignore it maybe his in a bad mood but idk why "oh in junkyu, kim junkyu" i answered to the guy and accept his handshake "your very handsome junkyu don't you know that?" He said "oh"i stuttered because im trying to remove my hand fron his but his not letting go and i was focusing on our hand and getting uncomfortable

and i just feel someone was touching my waist and i notice it was haruto "don't flirt with boyfriend cuz or else you'll get what you don't want" he said tightening his grip on my waist after he remove my hand from the guy and it make me comfortable when im with haruto and i blush after what he said and i saw the guy with his hands on the air "oh I didn't know you two are boyfriend's, you really have a good taste haruto" he said looking at me up and down like a pervert and i get uncomfy "of course i know good or bad in people visuals and this choice is the best" he said patting top of my head with his other hand and i notice his looking at me with the smirk on his face ,aish this jerk i just rolled my eyes but then i hear the guy scoffed "so are you guy's finish your dinner already?"


Hi guys sorry for a slow update btw hope you like this thank you for reading bye!!!wooosshhhh......🌠🌠🌠🌠🐨🦋

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