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Junkyu pov

Finally the class end i quickly put my things in my bag i have to pay on my aunty because of my father's debt every month i will give my aunt some money that i have that's why i have to do some part time job  while studying it really stress me out cause my aunt would be angry to me if i would pay him late and their house are really far away from us and some times i have my budget low using them in the bus 

while the other students are going out  "hey kim junkyu hurry up you big koala your so slow"said jihoon and with jeongwoo "you two go first imma just finish this and when i was about to stand when suddenly someone grab my hand and pulled them and that make me fall on the chair"ugh" i grunt because my back fell hard on the chair and i saw haruto smirking like a maniac "what do you want watanabe?" I said looking away

"you stupid person i think you forget already i mean do you know who is the one who pay the bills at the cafe?" He said leaning closer in my face "yes i know ,and thank you for that"i said backing my my head so that our lips won't touch "oh i don't need your thank you" he said and i can feel his breath while looking at my eyes so close to my face"all i need is you"he whisper to my ear and it give me shivers and i was nervous when he's getting closer and i was confuse why would he want me i can give him the money but it's not that easy for me hehe" let us make a bet" he said and he back away from me and i can breath again normally

"i know that you have to pay your aunt some money to your fathers debt yes i know all about your life, what i mean is im going to buy all of what you needed your electricity and i will protect you"he said staring at me while smirking  "how did you know all of that your ,so creepy" i said "call me a creep you know, im watanabe haruto i get what i want" he said looking at me while smirking "so it is a deal?" He said "and what would i repay you , I can't pay that much money in cash and i hadn't that much in my part time jo.."I didn't finish my sentence when i felt his lips touches mine and i was so shocked

I immediately touches haruto's shoulder and push him but he didn't even budge he became rougher on his kiss and it scare' s me fr i tried pushing him away but it became worst he bite my lower lips "ugh" i moaned and he immediately let his tongue in my mouth without my permission this jerk

"" i said between the kiss and then he broke the kiss then stared at me and we where breathing hard "your just going to be my boyfriend in a month easy" he said smirking at me "bu..t" and then he run through out the door and i was just shocked and i got freeze in my sit because of shocked what did he just say , there's a lot of girls there and so much prettier than me (au:your more pretty kyu🙉🌠)I didn't even say yes but i kinda think of it theres a big of benefit this to me i think it's ok for me because im gonna pay my father's debt but! the bad thing isI'm just gonna be his boyfriend ughh!!!

After a minute someone calling my name and i move my head to that person and i saw jihoon "hey junkyu what are you doing there you stupid koala come here hurry up im hungry" he said while holding my wrist "ok ok"i said when we at the school gate i saw a black cars and in the middle i saw haruto in the car and his window are down

"woahh he's really rich huh" jihoon said and then haruto get off the car and Everyone staring at him while his walking to me but i immediately look away and when i grab jihoon's hand so that we can get away and then someone grab my wrist and make me look at him and then lean on ny face so close again.

Everyone is staring at us i just want to melt right now " what do you want again?!"

Hey guys sorry for posting late late late hehe i just get lazy hehe btw is this good? Comment 💜 if yes see you again and sorryy byyee,,,,,,,,,wooshhhh🌠

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