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Junkyu pov

I entered the school gate still wondering why did haruto paid all of that i know his rich but we just met and the bet was on me that will pay while im walking still thinking when suddenly someone push me slightly

"hey what are you thinking, are you ok i mean is your wallet ok? HAAHHA"said jeongwoo while his hand are around my neck and i shrugged my shoulder

"it's not funny "i said rolling my eyes

"woaah it's still early why are you here i mean your always late HAHHA"SAID JEONGWOO laughing

"hey you know that haruto is the one who pay last night"i said lowering my voice like an agent

"really how do you know ,and i do not know that,hey are you guys are in relationships"jeongwoo said

"what no way,when i talk to the counter that I will wash the dishes just to paid all of what we eat and the counter said is , it's already paid and the one who pay is the guys came to the bathroom ,and he said our friend , who's the one who came to the bathroom isn't it haruto right so I'm going to find haruto to thank him, without him I'll rather be washing dishes right now"i said and i look at jeongwoo who has a puzzle face and I just chuckled

"really woaah , i think that's ok i mean haruto is Rich though,but we weren't that close to him yet right "said jeongwoo

"yeah I think about that too"i said

"maybe he feel sorry for you and he think that you don't have money hahah or heh! He got a crush on you right "said jeongwoo cheekily with grinned on his face

"i will go to the first one you mentioned " i said rolling my eyes and the bell ring and we run fast laughing at each other headed towards our classroom and we shut out mouth

When we get in our classroom and we saw that there's no sign of our teacher and we sigh in relief that we weren't late and i saw haruto while laying his head on the desk i walk straight toward my desk and i ignore him and didn't talk about last night i should talk to him in a better place not here and the class starts my head is focused on the board but i have a feeling that there someone looking at me that is in my left side of the desk that is haruto who is sitting and i didn't look at him because it will be so awkward if i look at him but my curiosity win again i look at him and our eyes met

"what?" He said raising his eyebrow

"why are you staring at me?, is there something on my face?"i said

"why, am I not allowed to stare at my boyfriend?"he said smirking

"huh..w.hat?"your joking right and can you please not stare at me I'm focusing you know! " i said whispering with a little bit of a shout and continue to write but he pushes my chair and we had no gap between us and we look at each other's eyes

"let's talk about this later be prepared baby~~~"he said in my ear smirking and give me shiver's in my body i moved my chair away from him "what are you doing dude , stop it "i said and focused on the black board


MY ENEMY BECAME MY BOYFRIEND (HARUKYU)Where stories live. Discover now