Part 13:rules

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"so are you guy's finish your dinner already?"


His cousin ask us "actually not yet, because someone interrupt our date" haruto said gripping my waist more and i just smiled awkwardly ugh this is so embarrassing, really, infront of his cousin "oh im sorry, i just want to see you haruto because one of my staff said that your here" noa said and i saw haruto's face are unreadable and then noa look at me "im sorry junkyushii for interrupting" noa said with a soft voice and a smile
so i just smiled back then bow to him "oh it's ok" i said "ok , im going ,bye you two" he said still looking at me with a smile and i just smiled again at him

I didn't notice haruto where at his seat already and his face are still unreadable making you curious for what have you done to him to make an impression like that but there's nothing new his just always like that i should be use to it starting from now

I slowly sit down and continue eating without talking at him i just let him with his thoughts "OK!, Let's have a rule while where still in a relationship" haruto said and i scrunch my nose and frown because of what be said "you mean fake relationship"i said correcting him "yeah yeah,but.."
I cut him off to ask him about what im curious "what do you mean by rules is that even necessary?" I asked im scared of the rules will he gonna make for me

"Don't be scared junkyu im just gonna tell you that you don't or do the thing's when where together, because of all my life I don't want to share what's MINE" he said why did he know that im scared and i hear he give a heavy weight on the word 'mine' while smirking and looking at me with his dark face and i gulp "uhhh...o..k, there's no problem with"i said stuttering and i cleared my throat

Haruto smirk because of the stuttering of the latter "ok ,first you have to stick with me 24/7 whenever i go or whenever you go" he was about to go to continue to say but i cut him " do you think that's too much whenever i go??, 24/7 even if i go to the bathroom you'll go with me" i chukled his unbelievable "no i mean you have tell me where and when are you going" he said "and if you want me to go with you to the bathroom there's no problem with that if you want to"he said with a seductive voice and i blushed because I did not know he will put that's situation into a nasty thing

"that's not what i mean"i panicked while shaked my head left and right,  

i hear him chuckled "you know the word 'joke' is not on my vocabulary junkyushhii, and you don't have a choice but to obey me and i respect your privacy ofcourse" he said ,
I saw him smirking again aish how i wish i want to remove that shit on his face, i just sigh ,why have i got into this situation and well the word joke is my friends middle name i chuckled thinking about our jokes when where together i hear him talking and my attention was on him "why?" He asked i was curious to what is he talking about "what?" I asked him to understand what is he talking about and i noticed his eyes was on my lips and i gulp and he immediately looked away "nevermind" he said he clear his throat and i saw his face rolled his eyes and i was curious to why did he do that i frowned but then he continue to talk.

Haruto pov

I was furious when i hear him chuckled and staring at nowhere i think his thinking something or someone...or did i say something funny? i was curious "why?" I asked him "what?"he asked back and i saw his curious face with his pouting i was staring at his lips and it looks so soft and kissable ugh what am i thinking i remove my attention to his lips and look around i can feel my ears are heating up "nevermind" and i rolled my eyes

"ok Second rule is you have to text me or tell where and when you are going , so if my parents ask about us again in the future about where are you i will know where you are and i will not be worried" i said and he just nod and didn't say anything about it,

I know his thinking about it so i just let him be he didn't argued with me this time so that's great

I continued "and the last is , don't get near other boys or girls rather than me" after i said that he widened his eyes and i frowned

"what! i mean ,What do you mean by that ,i have a lot of friends OK!, so i think I can't do that rule of yours or can we change it i promise i will obey what you say" he said looking into his eyes while his staring at me too and i was frowning and then it became a rest face "ok ok ,chill~you can, with your friends but not to others especially that noa" he said and i rolled my eyes im not jealous am i ugh no noa is just not a nice guy im sure hell be talking bad about me to junkyu

i widened my eyes when he said "Are you jealous?" He asked , did he read my mind. I clear my throat and sit properly and fixing my clothes "umhh...wh..y would i..i" i stuttered and i saw his other eyebrow lifting looking like his not convince with my response
I shrugged my shoulder and clear my throat again "ok are you deal with it?" I asked him and saw him nod and I don't but it make me happy like i won a lottery just because he agreed that he will not let himself get near with other boys except me and his friends i just planned about this so that he will not get near other boy i smirk "ok deal" he said and i lift my hand for a handshake but he lift his hand but his pinky was showing ugh "what? ,this is just for kids kim junkyu and where grown ups" i said "but i want a pinky swear" he said pouting and his eyes are almost getting teared up omg he so cute~~~ i whisper just about junkyu to hear "what did you say im cute?" He said and i widened my eyes realized what i just said  "uhh no i mean uhh.. nevermind ok pinky swear" i said inter whining our pinky

It gave me spark when my skin touches his , his skin was so smooth like i want to touch every second
Ughh no stupid haruto go back to your self i said in my mind

Hi guys sorry for a slow update btw hope you like this thank you for reading bye!!!wooosshhhh......🌠🌠🌠🌠🐨🦋

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