1-Lazy Mornings

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-Keith's P.O.V-

Lance's bedroom is a messy habitat I've had to grow to love after dating this idiot for so long. It is around 6in the morning, the shy sunrise peaks in through his dusty  half-closed window blinds. The small essence of sun gave the room a soft dim atmosphere. For my linen grey blanket lay cold on the wooden floor, kissed lightly by the rosy sun. All I can hear is the ghostly shudder of the air conditioner from afar and Lances nearly-silent breaths into my collar bone. I'm holding Lance closely to my chest, and all I do is sleepily gaze at the beauty bellow me.

His face sits at complete rest. His eyes are closed, exposing his long-dark-brown eyelashes. His lips are a slight peach-pink, knit into a lazy line. His eyebrows are dented in a slight pout, completely expressionless and quiet-the complete opposite from when he was awake. Yet, I love him for that, and so much more. Oh, the suns deep-pink light wet his copper skin just so perfectly, then again, when did he not look perfect?

 God, imagine if Lance knew I thought about him like this, I wouldn't stop hearing about what a sap I am. 

I let out a deep sigh. I slowly hold him just a bit closer and place a gentle kiss upon the bed of his messy bed head. I smile softly, his hair still smells like the guava shampoo that Pidge bought him for Christmas last year.

 I then direct my attention towards Lances singular window.

We are at his family's house.

Mrs. McClain is spectacular-I stayed for dinner last night but it went on pretty late. And the mother in her made sure I stayed the night because she was uncomfortable with  the thought of me riding back home so late. So to ease her worries, I gladly stayed the night. The nights at the McClain house are never silent, there is always someone up. 

Lance and I hung out with his sister, Veronica till about 3 before we went to bed. Veronica is amazing, after the war when Lance introduced me to his family, Veronica and I instantly connected. Last night we played card games, watched a Hispanic rom-com that the two siblings knew word-by-word, and drank cans of soda while Veronica shared Lance's baby stories.

 Lance was laughing the entire time last night, he definitely looked like he had fun. He told me it was just a great time whenever I was over; which I found to be incredibly sweet.

During my first year as the Red Paladin in Voltron, I told myself that I didn't want to go back to Earth. There was no-one down there waiting for me. If I died up there, no one would ever miss me. At the time, I believed that my only future was in space. I was nobody on Earth, on the ship and on the battleground-I was somebody. 

It was only till Lance and I began dating during our seventh year as paladins  that my way of thinking was completely flipped over. Lance showed me that I'd grown to love the people around me, and they had families and dreams beyond space. And that Shiro was there for me on Earth, he took care of me like I was his brother, he would need me if we got back home. Yet, that wasn't the big banger. After a year of dating, it was then when Lance proposed that I could come home with him if we ever did get back to Earth. I remember feeling my heart springing out of my chest, because for the first time, I felt like someone wanted me. 

And here I am, 4 years after the spring of Voltron, in the McClain house, in Lances bed, intently holding Lance McClain, my fiancé. 

That's right, my fiancé, I proposed a couple of months ago, but it was still sinking in. I'd like to say that I ended up to being pretty lucky. I know that I don't deserve any of it. But here I am, months away from marrying the love of my life. This boy really has changed my life, huh? If only I could tell 1 year old paladin me that things do get better. All because of this boy. I mean I could be some lonely farmer or a homeless man on the street. But now I'm a to-be married man, with nothing but a dreamy smile where my usual snarl usually sits.


"Hey, you okay?" a small whisper asks.

I whip my head back to my lover where he looks at me with that confused/worried/endearing look he somehow always pulls off. "Good morning-I'm okay?" I whisper -quickly cringing at my  rough morning voice.

Lance blushes slightly and batts his eyelashes in disbelief "mhm, babe you were staring off into the window with this small smile, but with these serious eyes. Looking all emo and shit."

I chuckle softly "ah, no I was just...thinking "

"Hmm ? Well then, thinkin about anyone in particular, Mr. Mysterious?" he offered with a smirk.

I affectionately roll my eyes and whisper back "mm no? Wait, actually Kosmo-he's the love of my life."

Lance giggles "What! I always knew you were cheating on me with Kosmo!"

I smile softly then look at my lover "Shut up-how'd you sleep, you dumbass?"

"Horrible actually..." Lance responds.

I frown "Nightmares?"

"Ugh no, this random guy decided to sleep in my bed with me last night? I was held hostage, Keith, hostage!".

"Lance, I am breaking up with you" I grown.

Lance pouts "What no! Take me back-how may I make it up to you?" 

I smirk "maybe this" I take my hand and hold Lance's right cheek. He gives me a confused look, but I put a finger to his lips. I close my eyes as I lean in and pull him into a lazy kiss. Our lips move in a slow rhythm, as we take in each other in the early morning. I can feel Lance smile against my lips before putting a hand to my chest, signaling for the kiss to end.

Lance giggles "Wow, alright, Kogane".

I smile "Hey, it wont be 'Kogane' any longer, yknow?". 

"Then what will it be? Oh shit, you mean Daddy? Isn't it a bit too early for that?"

I blush madly "LANCE! No, my last name will change because we will be getting married!"

Lance just laughs. I hug him closer and place a quick kiss on the crown of his forehead.

I close my eyes and chuckle softly "I hate you so much, McClain"

"Hey" he leans closer and brushes my bangs to the side "soon, I wont be a 'McClain'."


Thank you for reading!!!

Love you guys-see you later

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