Chapter 2 - Disaster

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Michelle and I Went ahead and walked to Daniel's house, but when we got there. The door was wide open. I peaked my head inside and yelled 'Hello?'. Daniel's mother dashed to the door and was so happy to see us two. Daniel is missing and there's no track of him. He had to go somewhere because it was broad daylight. Why would someone try to kidnap him at this time of day? I was thinking of where Daniel could have gone. Almost immediately, I thought of the 1964 sight. I told Michelle my plan, then told Daniel's mom that we were going to find him. Michelle and I ran to the site. both of us were in awe when we both figured out that the Hoax is true. But, we had no time to admire. I decide to yell for Daniel. "Daniel!?" No answer. Sadly, we saw that the Tape around the monument was ripped. It could have been anything but, in this situation, it could be Daniel. With no hesitation, I ran into the Bathroom. I silently said "Hello?" I heard a muffled voice. I knew it was him I threw the Blanket Hiding, The animatronic. And surely enough, Daniel was Strapped down By his arm being impaled with the animatronic's arm. It was gruesome and I told Daniel that we were losing an arm today.
I knew Michelle had a pocket knife and went out to her and asked her for it. She was confused as to why I needed it, and I was severely angered and just yelled at her, "Give me the knife dang it!" She jumped a tiny bit and handed it over. I ran inside and looked at his arm the bone was already shattered and the skin was the only thing holding onto Daniel. Without warning, I Cut the skin. Daniel whispered to me, "Did you cut it?" I told him that I was already done. And he looked at me puzzled. He got up And ran out the door. Screaming with no arm, Michelle had no Hesitation to soccer punch him in the arm to shut him up so no attention was called to us. Michelle pulled her phone out to call 9-1-1, but I told her not to. She asked why and I told her, "It's for our safety. We just committed a crime. We'll be in jail if we get caught. Only Daniel's mother can know." Michelle pulled a bag out of her pocket and got some painkillers, I asked why she had them and she just said, "Teeth." And while Daniel was drinking water to down the painkillers, I used my belt to stop his arm from bleeding. Eventually all three of us went back to Daniel's mom's house, and his mom was relieved but, Terrified at the same time. She was screaming in terror. We told her not to freak out. We already have it under control and he's already on painkillers from Michelle. He will need stitches but, we'll have to lie about his injury. She asked why and I told her about the real injury. She was disappointed in Daniel's decision, but glad he's ok.

I decided to call in sick for work because I want to check up on Daniel. He really needs to stop getting hurt, I'm really starting to run out of sick days here. Sadly, Daniel is grounded to his house for a month, So he doesn't go back, and he can fully heal. During that month, Daniel got his stitches, school started, and Daniel and Michelle are finding feelings for one another. I decided to make a fundraiser for Daniel, so he could get a robotic arm. I told everyone from school about Daniel's injury. And Daniel became the big talk at school, No one hated him, everyone liked him, He never had hate against anyone, and a lot of people helped him because no one had a grudge. We needed 1,000 dollars for hospital bills and the arm. Only $100 was raised. I thought maybe some more time is needed. Some months went by and enough money was raised for an arm and hospital bills.

Woke up this morning, no school but Daniel is gone? I sighed in pain wondering if he really went to the site again. It would be dumb of him to do that, let's just hope he didn't go inside. I went to the monument and there were no footprints on the ground or signs that someone was there, the tape was still there. So that's weird, if I didn't find Daniel here then where could he be? I texted Michelle and asked where he was and she didn't answer but Daniel answered the text I sent to Michelle, through his phone, That's peculiar and I have an idea why Daniel texted me the exact moment I texted Michelle. Either way, I didn't tell him, and I just asked him if he wanted to hang out today or sometime soon. He said he was still grounded. I already forgot about that, so I guess I'll have to bail on that, so I just told him maybe another time.

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