Chapter 3 - Eternal Truama

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Daniel and I didn't talk to one another all day and yet, we both went to the same place. Michelle's, But not for the reason you think. See we both always keep folders for every semester. We got a lot of homework and a lot of tests. Michelle got a piece of paper from the school, only a notice just to know what to expect on the test. A quick rundown is just saying every 5 questions is 3 sections worth of Every Subject. Examples are 5 Questions of Math, 5 questions of Geometry, 5 questions of English, etc. A lot of subjects repeat but she does not have a vision of the test. So she will be using Me & Daniel's Completed homework and test assignments to help her study. When we got there and told her our plan. She was so grateful because she was already stressing about what to use to study. I guess Daniel & I are one step ahead of her. A couple days passed and she finished her test and successfully got it turned in to the school. After weeks passed, Michelle got a letter in the mail about her status on the Test. She got 90 Questions correct! She passed all her classes! Thank goodness!

Someone moved in next door recently and my mom saw that they have a kid as well. She saw a perfect opportunity for me to make a new friend. I didn't want to go alone so I texted Michelle. Maybe she could also get to meet the new girl. Once we got there, we knocked on the door and she opened the door. My social anxiety kicked in and I didn't start talking for some reason. Michelle realized that I froze up a little bit and started the conversation with, ''Hello! My name is Michelle and this is Zackery, don't mind him he's got social anxiety. We'd like to welcome you to caliberry and we hope we can have a friendship together.'' The new girls face lit up, "Oh my, well thank you, Michelle, my name is Chloe. Also if you don't mind me asking, could you two show me where I'll be going to school next year?" Chloe Seemed very nice and my panic attack didn't seem to help my first impression. We showed her where the school was and we also asked what grade she'll be in next year. She said 11th grade. That's great because that means we can all chill together at school as friends. Chloe seemed very nice and we hope she feels welcome in the friend group.
Today I wanna go next door to Chloe's house and Apologize for my panic attack So she doesn't think I'm weird. I went up to the door and Knocked but Chloe didn't answer. It was her Grandparents, I greeted them and said "Hello, I'm Zackery, I was at your house yesterday, we were Welcoming her here yesterday." She said that she told them about Me and Michelle. I asked them where Chloe was because I wanted to apologize to her about yesterday and if she didn't know, I had a Panic attack yesterday so I didn't want to come off as weird. They said she wasn't there right now. They said "She said that she was going to the park, so maybe check there." I said my Thank you, and headed off to the parks. There were a few parks to choose from and Chloe could've gone anywhere Bronze park, Azule Park, angel park, could be any park. First I went to Azule park, it was very populated at the moment and also I didn't see her, so I went To Angel park. Angel Park is a Huge park of land for Soccer, Basketball hoops, and Other sports but it also has a Little kids' park. At the time no one was there because it was still 11 AM. So no one was here yet. Surely enough I found Chloe sitting in a hidden spot where a rock climbing area and the slide were cornering her. She had a book and a pencil and was writing in it. I Quietly said her name and she was startled. But said, "Oh! Hey Zack, What are you doing here?" I responded back saying, "I just wanted to stop by and tell you that yesterday I had a panic attack. I didn't want to come off weird, I just wanted to let you know. Also, I have Social Anxiety that I'm trying to get over without medication." You could see the look in her eyes because now that she had more puzzle pieces she understands now why I was acting weird. "Hey, Daniel, Michelle, and I were thinking about hanging out sometime soon today and maybe she could join us?" I said, "Yeah, uhm that would be great, but I need someone to text so we can communicate." She said back, "Oh yes, here let me give you my phone number." We exchanged phone numbers and we went back to our houses

A couple hours passed by, so Michelle, Daniel, Chloe and I decided to go and ride bikes around the park. Chloe didn't have a bike but Daniel always has spares because Daniel loves to go on off-road bike rides. We decided to ride to the city instead so we could show Chloe around. We went to a couple of shops, the mall, some gift shops, restaurants, and some hiding spots in abandoned places. After all of that, we decided to bike back to caliberry.
Chloe was curious about the angel park Middle School & High School and wanted to go inside the abandoned school. We decided to go to see inside it and Daniel saw a forum that the animatronic from the 1964 sight was gone and couldn't be found but Daniel has this app that tells him if the sight is a hoax or not. The thing said it was a hoax so we're fine. Chole, Michelle, Daniel, and I all got there and we decided to take a picture of all the boarded-up windows and doors. Daniel Suggested going ahead and looking inside to see if we could find any books or pencils or something. The door creaked open, We all went in, and let the door close behind us. When it closed, it locked. This was a metal door with a slim window. But no worries. We'll just text someone to come open the door. But, none of our phones had service. I told everyone not to panic, we can just find a boarded-up window that is loose. We roamed around the school with our phone lights, me and Daniel being upfront. We eventually went upstairs and found a loose board. We kicked it down and saw the dropdown. But there was a bush so we could just land in it. As we were gonna jump and help the girls get out next, we noticed Michelle was missing. Nowhere to be seen, we asked Chloe where she went but, when Daniel shined the light on her, both of her arms were slashed and her throat was slit causing her not to speak. I told Daniel to help her while I looked for Michelle. I went in and out of rooms looking for Michelle. I eventually found Michelle. But, not alive. Michelle was hanging from the ceiling off a noose. Her throat slit, her arms tied together blood wounds all over her body. She tried to fight it off but couldn't. I left her there so we could leave before anyone else gets hurt. As I was leaving, a strange Dark shadowy figure stood in the hallway and stared me down. I ran toward Daniel and Chloe when I got there Daniel was crying as Chloe laid in his arms. She died from bleeding out, I told Daniel we had to leave now before we all got killed because the 2 of us are already. As I got Daniel through the window just as he was just about to jump he got scared and backed off. As soon as he did, The figure found us and started running towards us. Daniel grabbed me and grabbed his knife and told me, "I love you. Don't forget that. Now do me a favor and tell everyone I loved them too." I grabbed Daniel and told him no, we are getting through this together. He stabbed me in the arm and bashed me in the head so I fell through the window into the bush as Daniel died in front of my eyes. I got up out of the bush and ran towards the street. I lay there until eventually someone stopped and asked what I was doing until they saw the knife in my arm and the indent in my skull. They rushed me to the ER and my parents rushed in and found me in the hospital bed. I could've done something, it's all my fault, why did I agree to go there, what do I do. My parents Cradled me not knowing what happened. I told them that I was attacked by the animatronic while with Daniel, Michelle, and Chloe, it hit me in the head and Daniel's knife was thrown into me from the fighting that happened. Daniel's mom came in and looked at me. We made eye contact and I started crying again, a single tear rolled down my eye. Daniel's mom looked at me, rolled her lip into her mouth, bursted into tears, and walked away. I let her down. Chloe's Grandparents walked in as well, I don't know how they found me, but they looked at me, and asked a Nurse if they knew we're Chloe was. They must've not heard the news they wanted because they both headed out the door without talking a single word to me. Then Michelle's parents finally walked in from the guest patient room, they were crying, they came to my bedside and both kneeled down to my level, "Zackery. We need to let you know, this isn't your fault, don't think it is, it was nobody's fault. That animatronic shouldn't have been made. It's a tragedy, and it pains us that it had to happen to you four." They said to me, I finally bursted into a ugly cry instead of joyless tears. My Parents And Michelle's Parents hugged and Michelle's parents walked away outside the hospital. My mom looked at me and told me I love you. I cried even harder, I didn't know what to do anymore, and how I would remotely get through this school year.

I got home from the hospital after 3 days. I went to my room, locked the door behind me, and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling for hours infinitely thinking about all the decisions I could've done to save everyone else. By the time I finally stopped looking at the ceiling, I made eye contact with the Noose Michelle used to try and commit suicide. Not a single suicide thought crossed my mind. Just the thought that they were all gone. I was lost and couldn't find the path anymore. "When will the pain stop?" I asked myself. But, I need to go to sleep, I have work in the morning and I have to figure out what I'm going to do at school for my Junior and Senior year.

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