Chapter 10 - Bittersweet Revenge

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We all stared blankly until Michelle asked "What Now?" Thoughts raced through my head, I eventually said "I think we should find an apartment and sleep there for tonight. We'll check the house tomorrow." We found a small apartment complex named "Jazz Complex" A Jazz Themed Apartment complex, that should do the trick. We didn't have anything, all we could do was take a shower and use all the Complementary stuff. No one wanted to share a toothbrush even if Michelle and Daniel or even Lily and I were dating. Too disgusting. Michelle used the toothbrush, she asked if she could, she doesn't like the thought of going a night without brushing her teeth. We all got situated and we had to beds so, you probably already guessed the Couples slept together, so Daniel, Michelle, and then Lily and I. I woke up to a nightmare in the middle of the night. It wasn't actually the Animatronic this time. My mind was pretty blurry and I can't remember the nightmare too much, but someone was trying to kill me. It definitely was scary to experience. I limped out of bed and grabbed the small cup provided by the coffee maker. Filled it up with the faucet water and hopped outside.

We were on the 2nd story so I laid my arms over the railing and looked at the stars. It was at least 80 Degrees outside. I looked at my watch and it said it was 4 AM. The stars and the moon illuminated the darkness so much, that it was like I was shining a flashlight. I heard the door open behind me and it was Daniel. I gasped quietly "Daniel! Sorry, you startled me." - "Oh my bad Zack. Yeah sorry, I didn't really have a Warning. I can't sleep, Michelle was rubbing her hand through my hair for an hour, and then she fell asleep, so she stopped, and I don't wanna disturb her. It's just that something is keeping me awake. Remember how back in freshman, maybe my sophomore year I researched 1964 extensively." - "Pff yeah, You were a nerd for 1964, how could I forget,"- "Well Zack there's something else. See back then this animatronic was made by the scientists. To kill. When the animatronic kills someone, it makes a note of them. I knew the animatronic was built to kill but thought it wouldn't sense it was deactivated. When I found it at the sight I tried to pull it apart. It reactivated and tried to kill me. Hence, the animatronic noted me for death. When it found me in the School, it went through Michelle and Chloe to get to me. I didn't jump through the window because of the height. I didn't jump because if I jumped first, It wouldn't have gotten to me first, it would've gone through you to get to me. So, if I'm still alive Zackery. What do you think this animatronic is doing here..." - "Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, no-no-no. I'm not mad but hell. I'm glad you told me. We need to leave fast and we need to destroy it. Do you know how? Is there a key component keeping it alive?" Daniel says that it lives off Souls. It could have the souls of Michelle, Chloe, and him. We don't know how many souls are in there, but to set the souls free. Well kinda free. We need to burn the animatronic. Confused, I said to Daniel "Wait Daniel, if you knew all of this, why didn't we do this before. The animatronic was deactivated back then, why didn't we burn it in the past." - "No harsh feelings Zackery, but me, a 16-year-old kid asking an adult to buy Gasoline and Some matches. I don't think anyone would believe us even if we were wearing Tuxedos saying that we need Fire to Burn an animatronic that was Shut down." Okay, Daniel made a good point. But, we need to tell the police or the army, someone. We need to say that this animatronic will go on a rampage if it is not burned. We cannot tear It apart. The souls will find a new way to kill. No matter how long, we need a permanent solution to end this massacre. I drank the rest of my water and Daniel Yawned. He said he was gonna finally go to sleep and that we drove super far and he thinks the animatronic can't walk 80 miles an hour, so Daniel went back inside and left the door a jar. I looked at the stars and sighed. I hope we can do this. We're only a group of 4. I turned around and headed back inside and got into bed. I looked at the ceiling and drifted asleep.

I woke up at 12. 2 to 3 hours later than usual. Everyone was playing on their phones waiting for me to wake up. When I woke up I realized this and asked "Did I miss a Google meet?" Daniel Wheezed Hysterically. Michelle and Lily laughed pretty hard too. My foot was in Agonizing pain. I turned over to get out of bed and I looked to my left and a Crutch was lying on the floor. I looked at it for a good 5 seconds. And said "Okay! Who bought it!?" Lily chuckled and said "Me Hunny, I couldn't let Daniel just carry you everywhere. Yeah, maybe we have a Robot after us, but I know you're agile." Awe, how sweet of her. Can't wait to propose to her. But, I got up and said, "Well, first, Daniel, Have you told them?" - "Yeah, I thought I needed to, so I did. Where should we go, Zackery?" - "I think the police, and maybe some higher up could get involved to burn the animatronic." So that's what we did. Lily drove to the police station. Daniel and I both went in. Before Daniel opened the door. I grabbed his shoulder and reminded him, to leave the details out that he died, only say your arm injury and the 'near-death experience in the abandoned school in California.
It was all over the news that this animatronic supposedly killed Daniel. But, it was also reported that Daniel survived, no one knows Daniel was revived. Everyone thinks he's a Miracle.
Anyways, we went inside and Daniel said that We needed help taking down the '1964 animatronic from Florida' he also mentioned everything I said previously but made sure the Officer knew that he was the miracle that survived the near-death experience. The officer, Baffled, immediately was ready to help us, he said that he was a huge Geek on the 1964 stuff back in 2013. Daniel and the officer kinda had a small conversation because that's around the same time Daniel got into the 1964 stuff as well.
I broke up the conversation and said, "Officer, we need help." - "Oh right. Here, boys, I'll forward you to my boss." I had to thank the officer and we walked into another room where the boss of the Police station was there. We told him the details, blah blah blah, Daniel the man that survived this Animatronic, and how we need to burn it to save the world. And surprisingly, it worked. He told us that we need to find it. He'll get a fireteam. They'll be on standby for us. The boss said one thing to Daniel. "I can understand your anger right now of wanting to kill the very thing that changed your life, I think horrifically. I can only imagine the pain you're bearing. Hell, I'm not supposed to be at this desk. This boring desk. Something changed my life. I'm not gonna tell my sobb origin story, but I think I can relate." I looked at Daniel's face and I can tell, he was saying with his eyes that This guy doesn't know half of it. Daniel just said thank you and that the animatronic is only after him. And if we see it, we'll call him.
The boss wishes us safety and says we hope to kill it. We say thank you and go out to the car. But our car wasn't there. At least lily's
Daniel and I searched and we found the car flipped over by a dumpster and over by an Outhouse was Michelle Holding Lily in her arms. I almost threw my crutch, but I needed it to run to Lily. Without any hesitation I picked up Lily and completely disregarded my leg being broken. I was limping, I made it a few feet and Daniel Grabbed Lily out of my arms. I fell to the ground and I didn't care. I told Daniel. "First aid- in- police..." I was grinding my teeth from the infuriating pain I was feeling. I asked Michelle while crying from both the pain and Lily being hurt, to help me get to Lily. Michelle said, "Zackery, I think we have a different problem." And she pointed to the animatronic. "Oh no! Michelle, hurry get us to the police station." I can only assume that's why the car was flipped. Maybe the animatronic recognized Michelle and tried to kill her as well. But, injured Lily instead. I don't know, but Michelle helped me get to the station and I yelled, not for the boss, but just in the station in general. "THE ANIMATRONIC IS HERE!" The boss and Plenty's other Officers came out of their rooms. All with guns, the boss explained, "Get in your cars and drive! Grab these people and bolt, They're important!" An officer told me he was a trained nurse back in 2005 and then proceeded to grab Lily. Then Daniel Picked me up and ran with an officer out a back door. When we got there Lily was put in a separate car from me. Michelle, Daniel, and I got into another car and started driving. All I could think was if Lily was okay. I had a stuffy nose and just wanted a Normal day.
The cops stopped at a Restaurant and parked. The Boss came up to the window and the guy rolled down my window for me. He told me The fire team will meet us in the desert. The plan in his words is that they have a circle that will burn the animatronic if it is in the circle. For safety precautions, two people with flame throwers will Flame the Animatronic. I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait for the very thing keeping us in purgatory to finally be gone.

We drove for 2 hours to a desert. The animatronic definitely moves slowly. Throughout the car ride, I asked Michelle if she was hurt. She said her stomach hurt probably from the car being flipped, but she just assumed it was just from the seat belt. So I did too. We got there and it was dark. The boss said he'd stay awake and wait for the animatronic. So, All of us, including the Fireteam and Police officers, slept. We woke up the next day and the Police officer was still keeping watch at 11 AM. I was the first one awake so I just chatted with him. He said that he's pulled plenty of all-nighters so he was able to stay awake the entire night. I gasped. "The entire night!?" He proceeded to just shrug it off like he wasn't going on 24 hours without sleep. Everyone else woke up 10 to 15 minutes later. So we all just talked outside. It was rather nice, Lily was still sleeping, recovering, but the officer believes that she has Internal bleeding. That's when we heard it. The Animatronic. Was stomping toward us. The fire team pulled out the flamethrower while the Animatronic was staring at us menacingly. That's when Daniel stood in the middle of the 2 Flamethrower guys. That's where the Animatronic focused its attention. It got closer and closer until eventually it was only a car's length away and The flamethrowers started going off.
Daniel started screaming "LET'S GO!" Continuing the 'go'. So I joined too. So did everyone else. We were all cheering for the flamethrowers to win. That's when the Animatronic started to slow down and fall to the ground. It was Melting. It took advantage and tore its arm off and threw it at Daniel. It hit Daniel in the chest. And he fell backward, his shirt melted through somehow and his Chest was bright red. He didn't care, he got back up and started cheering again. The animatronic made this muffled gargle and finally rested. You heard a Loud sizzle that happened a lot. The sizzle happened maybe 30 times. I didn't count but it's an estimate.
We all cheered in victory. We were safe. I went to check on Lily in the back of the car. What looked like gallons of blood came out of her mouth. And it was already dry. I yelled to the cops to come help. They pulled her out of the car and started CPR. They kept going for 5 minutes. Nothing, I'm already crying in Daniel's arms. I don't wanna lose her.
Eventually, a cop stopped and I looked at him, I asked what he was doing. He looked at his watch and said "September 12th, 2:33 PM."
I cried in agony, I lost my best friend. The cops took Lily's body and gave us a number for a funeral home. They said to call that number and give the date of death and time and Her name. I said Thank you for everything to the cops and then they drove us home. When they drove away from our house, Daniel and Michelle asked if I was okay.
I didn't say a word.
Not one peep.
I walked through the doorway of our, used-be, front door and sat on the couch.
I just stared at the blank TV.
Then Daniel and Michelle sat next to me.
A tear fell from my eye.
Michelle laid her head on my shoulder.
Then Daniel grabbed my hand as if it was a handshake.
I said one final thing to them.

"What now guys..."

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