Chapter 4 - Unexpected Visitor

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2022, This thing called Coronavirus has finally died down. I'm 24 years old. It's been 8 years since the incident, and I still blame myself for their deaths every day. My girlfriend of 3 years, Lily, has saved my life along the way. I almost killed myself because I couldn't keep going knowing I was the reason they are all dead. My curiosity had to get to me. Every day was a day I had to know that I am the reason that Daniel, Michelle, and Chloe are dead. From what I know, the cops never went and grabbed the bodies because it was too dangerous to go into. They didn't want to risk running into the immortal animatronic. Moving on, Lily and I had a date tonight. Just to go eat and have fun. I moved away from California, caliberry. I couldn't stand being there with all the memories. I decided to move to Colorado, Ruby. Where I eventually found my beautiful girlfriend. At the moment I'm working a full-time job 8-6, I work as much as I can to keep me and her wealthy and happy. We both have a house together that is fully paid off. You could say we're living a prosperous life, but not the dream.

I was sick today, I think it's because of my allergies, so I stayed home today. Someone knocked on the door and it was a lady from a hospital asking if I was Zackery Junior. I said yes, and asked if my girlfriend was okay? She said that someone from the hospital named Daniel asked for your help. I leaned my head to the side and was thrown off, I thought to myself, "no that's impossible, he's dead?" Who knows, the only way we will be through Daniel.

I got in my car and drove an hour to the hospital. Once I got there Daniel was waiting in the lobby and when I came in he came up to me and hugged me. I was baffled, it was bizarre to see Daniel again because I swore that he died. He was a little different. He didn't have his robotic arm as he should have, so I asked about it. He said he wasn't comfortable saying it out loud and would rather say it in private. I asked him how he even found me. He told me that after he got out of his coma he finished school, went to my parents, and decided to find me here, in Colorado. He started picking at his fingernails, I noticed and asked, "What's on your mind? You're picking at your nails?"
He mumbled something so I asked for him to speak up and he asked me if he could bunker down at my house. "Pff, I don't mind Daniel, you can bunker down at my house." He was relieved and then I asked how long he had been searching for me? He told me ever since he graduated in 2014, he worked a lot to make enough money to come here, he left California in 2019 to find me, but got a huge setback due to covid, and had to wait a while to get to me. I told him that he should've graduated in 2016 though. He corrected himself and said he meant that. But, I told him that he could sleep on my couch in my living room. I'll let him 'work' while he searches for a job by doing a couple of chores around the house for $20. We got in the car and then I asked him what happened to his robotic arm. He said that he used it to escape the animatronic. He couldn't feel anything In the arm so he let the animatronic grab it, Detach it, so he could get a good kick, and stab the other arm in the sock-it for the elbow so it couldn't extend to reach him so he could jump out and escape. After that Daniel searched everywhere, including the hospital I was at. But the hospital lied to him saying that I wasn't there. That's unprofessional of the hospital. Anyways maybe we can save up some money for a new arm. I'll find Daniel Some job applications so he can earn more money than what I'm paying him. I finally drove him to my house and he was baffled that I had one. He asked where I worked and I just told him I worked in an office. We went inside and he passed out on the couch, so I'll just have to tell Lily in the morning.

Today Daniel asked if I still had my computer from California. I told him, "Yeah, just go upstairs and it's the door on the left." I trust Daniel to be responsible, so I didn't think anything of it.

I went to work today and came back with Daniel finishing up cleaning the kitchen. I was going to hand him a $20 but, then I realized, he cleaned up the Bedrooms, polished the souvenirs that my girlfriend has, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the dishes, and he did all this with one hand! I wasn't even gonna count how much he did. I just gave him $250 for doing it all with one hand. I asked him why he did it, he told me, "why do it later, when you can do it all now and Relax later? Also, I don't wanna seem like a hobo just chilling in your house for free, I wanna earn my rent." I've never thought of it like that. I remember asking him why he wanted to use my computer. He said he did a couple of things, he searched for how to do a couple of things around the house only 1 handed, so he could do the complicated chores, and also looked for a few Job opportunities so he could get an arm and a house. I made a deal with him. Only if he wants. "This is just a suggestion. I'll buy an Apartment for you so you don't have to worry about a house." He told me, "No thank you," and For a couple of reasons. If he gets a job he doesn't have a car to drive there. The apartment won't be permanent, He doesn't want to waste my money, and can't do simple tasks for this long. He just wants to save up for an arm and get other necessary items to live. I was beyond surprised and how Daniel is still super responsible.

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