Chapter 9 - Crazy weekend

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I woke up, got ready, and went to work. I got home at 5 PM. You know the drill.

This time I was home alone and I realized the spare room we have in the house has my computer. I haven't touched my computer in months. It's quite a good one too, but do I really wanna sell it or keep it? Wait, Daniel said he has liked it before in the past. Maybe he'd like it? But, the question is do I wanna just give it to him or make it an engagement gift. I shrugged it off and just waited for Daniel and Michelle to get home from work. I turned the TV on and watched it for a while, time passed,and it was already 11 PM. They should've been home by now, so I texted Lily if she knew where Daniel or even Michelle was? She responded with "Oh Crap, I forgot to text you, we're at the hospital." Not too fond that she forgot to tell me, but it seems that Lily is okay because she texted me, but I hope nobody is severely injured. I grabbed my keys off the counter and got into my car. I wouldn't say I was speeding but.

Okay, yeah I was going 80 in a 50, what of it? One of my friends is hurt, I need to see them. As I was just 5 minutes away, some red truck pulled out in front of me and I had to swerve out of the way. I almost saved it, but the back wheels of my car caught the grass from the ditch and I flipped...

Going 80 Miles per Hour and swerving away and basically Drifting, put a lot of weight on one side of the car. It was no surprise I flipped after catching the grass. I don't know how many times I flipped, but I know I was flipping for maybe 2 seconds. It felt like an eternity in the car, but finally. The car came to a Halt. Whenever I opened my eyes. I was under a Lamppost and it was illuminating the inside of my car. Part of the roof, doors, and windows was bent inward towards me. It kinda made me Claustrophobic but, I'm surprised I felt okay? My seatbelt and Airbags definitely helped save my life and after All of this looking around and admiring. Someone, I think the red truck owner, pried my door open and snapped it off. Firstly, how, secondly, Thanks I guess? I put both legs out of the door and tried to stand up, the man was holding me, but suddenly I fell to the ground. I was confused, but I looked at my shin and it snapped in half. With no idea how my leg snapped, well maybe because I crashed, but I meant, I didn't feel it snap? After I sat down in the grass for a couple of minutes, I spoke Loudly in an angry tone asking the man why he pulled out in front of me. The man said "I'm going, to be honest with you young man, I didn't even see your car. And I know your lights were on and everything, I just didn't see you. This is my fault." I sighed loudly, "This sucks. One of my friends is in the hospital and that's where I was heading." He looked down in sorrow, "I'm so sorry man, I wish I saw you, god this is all my fault."

I told him, "Hey, let's not think about it right now, but your car isn't even scratched, if you can take me to the hospital, we can exchange insurance, and everything." He looked up, somewhat happy, "Hell yeah man, I can definitely do that." He picked me up, got me in the passenger seat, and started driving. His bumper was pretty bent inwards but the car could go at a decent speed and still get us to the hospital. There was a problem though, my leg is broken and I am trying to see my friends. The doctors are gonna wanna treat my leg and not let me see them. I couldn't ask Lily what the room name was under, because my phone was shattered, I could only guess the name. Maybe Daniel, Michelle, or Lily? Oh no, what about last names. I know them, but what if they used them? I had to ask the man that took me here. "Alright so, uh, could you give me a piggyback ride, while I ask the nurse at the front desk to go to what room my friends are in?"

He looked at me confused, "It's the least I could do, I'm your brother though right, like family?" I didn't even think about that, "Oh yeah, yeah, I suppose that would be needed." As we got to the hospital, we covered my leg in some gauge the man had in his truck, and god it hurt like hell. I swear I was crying the entire time he was wrapping it. But, I got on his back and he walked in and he let me do the talking.

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