Chapter 5 - Companionship

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It seems that Daniel and Lily have been bonding recently, because I found them in the living room this morning asking each other questions. It seems that Lily is very curious about Me and Daniel's relationship together as friends back then before the whole controversy. I'm glad Lily is bonding and not hating that Daniel is living with us. I guess the only reason why she's probably not mad is that Daniel is being productive with his time and not sitting around doing nothing. He's trying to get his life together. Anyways, I needed to get to work before I was late. When I got there, I did boring office stuff, till 8, and got home. With exciting news too, Daniel got a job, he didn't think he would because in his job applications he always said the same thing that he had only 1 arm. I asked what job he got. He said he's working at a fast-food restaurant that will pay 9.50 an hour, while he rings people's orders up. He says it starts Tuesday.

Before we all went to bed last night, someone knocked on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone to be at the door so late at night. I opened the door and it was a woman. She was all beaten up and had her bone sticking out of her arm. I rushed to help her whilst I Asked Daniel to dial 911. While we were waiting for the ambulance to come to pick us up. I asked her what happened, she said that she was hit by a car, it was a hit and run, she said she was fine until she put her hand out to break her fall. She broke her arm in the process. She was very young and she was going to dial 911 herself but she showed her phone and it was all shattered. The Ambulance got to the house to take us there. I didn't want to alarm Lily, so I left a note next to her phone so when she woke up she knew where to find me. This girl and I got to the hospital and the Nurse took some X-rays. Thankfully it only snapped in two and we can just put them back together, slap a cast on it, and call it a day. By the time we got it all situated and she went back home, it was already 2 AM. So when I got home I decided to set an alarm for 9 AM so I could call in for work and use a sick day and still get paid.
I woke up the next morning at 9, called my boss, and told him I wanted to use a sick day. Funny coincidence because the whole store was shut down due to an error in the system and not allowing anything to bypass so they just closed for today. I called up the girl at 11 just in case she was sleeping and asked how she was doing and maybe if she wanted to go and get breakfast with Lily, Daniel, and me? She said she would love that.

So we all decided to go into town and let her choose where we ate. She chose Ihop, when we got inside, sat down and got situated. I never did ask her for her name, and when I did she said, "Oh yes, my name's Sarah!" So I introduced Lily to Sarah and Sarah to Lily. They had a Regular talk one-on-one while Daniel and I exchanged memes. The waiter came up to us and asked about the check and who was with whom. I said that we were all in one check with no hesitation, you could see Daniel's face lit up while Sarah's started blushing. We all ordered food and drinks and the waiter left. Sarah said that I didn't have to do that, I said very swiftly that "After your medical bills, it's the least I could do." She Laughed, and the Waiter Brought our drinks and food out. Sarah was having a rough time only using one arm. Daniel saw this and decided to help her by showing her a trick on how to pick up things with a fork with one hand. It was pretty clever, what you do is first you jab the thing you want to eat, then extend your pinky finger out and push against it. This also applies to picking things up that are too big for one hand. You Extend your thumb and Pinky out bar then pick up the item and put your hand under it. Boom, you acquired the thing you've been trying to get for the past 3 hours!

We finished up, I paid the receipt, tipped, and we headed on our way. While we all were getting in the car, Sarah said if they wanted to go play mini-golf and that she'll pay. I said that it sounded like a great idea, but asked if she was sure that she wanted to pay? She insisted on it, so we headed to the Desert golf course, except there was grass everywhere. We played all 18 holes and Sarah and Daniel Dominated for just 1 arm. Lily and I placed 2nd & 3rd. After all that we went to Sarah's house and we dropped her off. I told her if she needed anything, you have my number. After she went inside and started going home, I noticed Daniel was shedding a tear. I didn't want to bring it to attention, so I didn't say anything and would just talk to him in private at home. We got home fairly quickly and as soon as we got inside Lily collapsed on the couch and decided she wanted to take a nap. I told her sweet dreams and told Daniel that I wanted to show him something. We got to my Gaming room and I asked him what was up. He didn't understand what I meant so I told him that I saw him crying In the car. The lightbulb turned on and he said, "Sarah is so fine, but I don't want to replace Michelle." Oh no, I almost forgot about Michelle, I guess ever since Daniel showed up, My pills have been helping recently. I didn't have much to say and only told him, that I was just seeing what was up. When we left the room I saw that the trash needed to be taken out. I decided to help Daniel, but I noticed that there were Beer bottles in the trash. I haven't drank since 2020 and I've never seen Lily touch a beer bottle. I don't want to say it's Daniel but, I think Daniel is stress drinking. I don't want him to end up like an alcoholic. I need to put a stop to it. I tried to hide it by taking out the trash for him so he wouldn't find out I saw it, so I went out the back door and took it upfront.
I woke up the next day, deciding to call into work and use a Sick day. Yesterday I asked Daniel what his work schedule was. He worked till 8 Today so I had all the time to find out where he was hiding the beer. I looked all day deciding to clean the house to surprise Lily.

I looked everywhere but, still nothing. After all this wasted time but still free time, I went to my computer to play some games. I started the Computer up and realized my Mouse wasn't working, so I pulled on it and It wasn't plugged in. Weird, I never had any reason for it to be unplugged. Anyways I went down and plugged it in but, Some Sneaky Beer is behind my Computer. At last, I found the beer. Now for the Second Phase of my plan. Hide it from him and keep my eye on him so he doesn't buy anymore. I finished up playing my game and heard the front door open and It was probably Daniel. I knew that he thought that I wasn't home. So I stayed in the room, to see if he would come in here looking for his beer. Surely enough, Daniel opened the door and I saw a surprise on his face knowing I was home. He said that he was looking all around the house for me Because my car was in the driveway. Dangit! I didn't bother to hide my car. Oh well, I'll just keep my eye on him. Lily got home finally and we all watched a Scary Movie together. Halfway through the movie, Daniel said he was gonna go use the restroom. I didn't worry about it because if he tried to grab a beer he wouldn't find any. Now, not being weird or anything but, usually, when Daniel uses the Restroom he takes 15 minutes, maybe 30, depending really. This time it was different, he came back in just 5 Minutes. Instantly knowing what this meant, I said in a Sarcastic voice, 'Hit and run?'. Daniel laughed it off and said, "Hey! This is a good movie." He sat back down and fell asleep in the chair he was in. Once the movie finished, Lily and I Went to bed but in the meantime, I told Lily, "Daniel has been drinking beer and he definitely has a problem. Right now, I'm doing an experiment on him. I found his beer stash behind my Computer, and I threw it away." She was very sad hearing this news, but we both had to go to bed.

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